Must-Have Incontinence Supplies to Combat Night-Time Issues | MedProDirect
Old man sleeping in bed in the morning, recovery time and healthy sleepFor many people, incontinence can be unpredictable, and incontinence supplies are not things they like to keep around. Certain things, like unexpected weight gain, and injury can...
Do Drain Flies Love Unhygienic Places to Live?
Hygiene problems are getting worse in commercial restaurants, home kitchens, and outdoor cooking places. Among many other tiny flying insects, the commonly found is a drain fly. There are many names of drain flies including filter flies, sink flies ...
Here Are 10 Lies You Were Told About Islam
Don't believe everything you read in the media.
31 Gifs To Use When Talking To Internet Trolls
Sometimes we get into heated arguments online. It could be a question, or it could be an opinion, that you may not agree with. So how do you respond to people who just don't seem to get it? You troll them back with some great GIFs. Here's one for ev...
These People Genuinely Believed The Lies They Told
Tell yourself a lie long and hard enough and you'll believe it to be the truth. Here are some 17 lies that were outrageous and some, even hilarious too that people thought no one would catch on to. Check it out below:
21 Pictures That Prove The World Is Full Of Lies
The world is built on a bed of lies. Here are some 21 pictures that prove why it's so hard to trust anything, or anyone. What you see, is not what you get. Check out the gallery below, which mostly consist of false advertising.
How Often and How Many People Lie? Everyone. Every Time.
Lying is part of an everyday activity everyone does. According to one study, acquaintances and strangers lie to each other at the rate of about three times in a ten-minute conversation. Some of us even receive around 200 lies every day. What is trut...
The Lies That Movies Tell Us About Chloroform [VIDEO]
In movies, we see how chloroform acts like it was an immediate method to get someone to knock out. But is this real? Does it really take less than 2 seconds for someone's lights to go out after breathing in chloroform? This is what we're used to se...
Man Beats Up Woman He Spent Thousands of Dollars To Meet When She Turned Out To Be Ugly
Appearances online can be deceiving. Pictures can be deceiving. But that did not stop one man from spending thousands of dollars to meet the woman he found online. Except, when she met him in real-life, she did not look anything like the pictures he...
12 Surprising Facts About How We Lie
Everyone lies. Everyday. It's like a second nature, or a defense mechanism we use to get through everyday social interactions. Here are 12 surprising facts about how we lie. 1. You will lie if you are pressed for timeMost people lie because they hav...
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