Super Hot Girl Putting On Makeup Has a Super Twist
What could be the twist, you wonder?
Leonardo DiCaprio Spent 5 Hours Getting Makeup Wounds For a Scene in The Revenant
Leo DiCaprio may well be on his way to winning his first Oscar. And it's all thanks to all the pain and effort endured and put out for The Revenant. Leo had to spend some 5 hours in makeup to get 'wounded' for multiple scenes. They look horrific and...
The Double Face Makeup for Halloween Must be The Creepiest Makeup Ever [VIDEO]
First, there's nothing wrong with your eyes. What you're looking, is in fact, the trippiest makeup ever for Halloween. Or for anything at all. It looks pretty damn real too! Check it out below:
Watch How This Girl Removed Her Face [VIDEO]
Makeup is wondrous, but sometimes, it completely transforms someone's look altogether. This woman here looks pretty okay we'd say, but after she starts peeling away layers of makeup on one side of her face, you'll want to not trust how anyone looks ...
This Chinese Girl is Becoming Famous Because She Looks Like a Blow Up Doll
This is Wang Jiayun, and she's now getting famous on Korean Internet all because she looks like an inflatable doll. At a glance, she doesn't look like she's real! Here's some pictures of her: Is this makeup trickery? Or does she naturally just looks...
The Power of Makeup On These 17 Asian Women
Makeup is a wonderful thing. It can really show off the artist-within, and here are some 17 women whom with makeup, seem to be two very different people. Can you even see the resemblance in the before and after photos? Check out the list below: 1.2....
The Top 10 Movie Makeup Transformations of All Time [VIDEO]
Makeup is essential in creating believable fictional characters in movies. Without it, characters like Mystique could look like a half-assed body paint job character. Cinefix pays homage to the best movie makeup artists in this list. Here's the list...
Watch What Happens When Men Try Women’s Makeup For The First Time [VIDEO]
When was the last time you tried on your mom's or wife's makeup? Er, never? Putting on makeup isn't that easy, and we've got to respect how much women go through to make an effort to look nice. Buzzfeed decided to show just how much of work goes in...
Watch a Guy Getting Transformed From Human into a Character in Planet of the Apes [VIDEO]
The makeup from Planet of the Apes is incredible. Artist and designer Emily Van Tassel demonstrated how one can go from human to ape with the help of some clever makeup tricks. She transformed a member from the band Hani Zahra into a character from ...
Behind-The-Scenes of Jaime Lannister's Arm from Game of Thrones Show How They Severed His Hand
Sangeet Prabhaker is a prosthetic and creature effects artist and he's showing off some of the work done from Game of Thrones. Here's how he made Jaime Lannister's handless arm: He keeps his real arm wrapped underneath! But since he's not alway...
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