Despite the legalization of cannabis in California, it’s still illegal to carry or consume it without a medical weed card. Today, more than 1.5 million residents of California possess a medical marijuana card, which enables them to grow, purchase and consume weed. 


If you are planning to go to a marijuana dispensary to get some weed, you may be uncertain about a lot of things. In this article, we’ll highlight the most crucial things that you should know before you make your first visit to a dispensary. This will serve as a guide to help make your experience an incredible one. 

Get your medical marijuana card first
You probably are wondering how you’ll get your hands on a medical marijuana card. If it’s any consolation, it’s very easy to get one – it has been so since 1996. Thanks to cannabis’ medicinal benefits, physicians have been able to recommend it for wide-ranging treatments. However, since weed is prohibited under the federal law, doctors couldn’t prescribe it. So, the recommendations were mostly meant for people who grew their weed, but after the Proposition 215 passed, marijuana dispensaries began to pop up, and the recommendations transitioned into a modern form of the California MMJ-ID card, which is easily obtainable online.

Research dispensaries in the area
The market has no shortage of dispensaries – which is a good thing. However, this also might pose a challenge knowing which vendor is the right one for you. For that reason, you should take time to do some research to establish the best option in the market. Use aspects like location, quality, customer service, availability of a range of products, cost and so one to narrow down your list.

Know what to expect from dispensaries
These dispensaries are not created equal, so expect to see a difference when you’re hopping from one dispensary to another. Sometimes, they will have two entrances, one marked as “medical entrance” while the other as “recreational entrance.” Be sure to walk into the right one – if you are a cardholder, then you can go through the medical door. Once you go inside, you’ll need to issue your ID – which they’ll issue back when you go inside with the budtenders. Note that a majority of dispensaries sell on a cash-only basis and that you might save more money if you buy in bulk. 

Know the strains according to the effect you’re looking for
Some dispensaries will label all their strains and display them for your view – whether its indica, sativa or hybrid and so on. If you are just getting started, a good idea would be to find a dispensary that carries a broad spectrum of cannabis flower, edibles, tinctures, etc. 

Know your consumption methods
Before you buy a bunch of oils, marijuana flowers or waxes, you should have the right tool to consume it correctly. This is particularly true if you are traveling and didn’t carry your smoking equipment, or if you are still new. In that case, it would be disappointing to buy a product that you aren’t equipped to enjoy.