There's been plenty of amazing, viral works of art using Lego this year. But 12-year old Shubham Banerjee not only created a Lego masterpiece, it also carries the potential to make a huge impact.

According to Gigaom, upon discovering that braille printers can cost up to $2,000, the Santa Clara, California, seventh grader wanted to see if he could make a more affordable version.

Using a $350 Lego Mindstorms kit, Banerjee created a working prototype named Braigo, that is cost-efficient.

"Over 200 million people in this world are blind or visually impaired and 90 percent of those people are living in developing countries," explains Banerjee. "A lot of people have been thinking commercially about making cool stuff and I've been thinking a lot about this. We can reduce the cost from $2,000 to $350 with just a simple Lego set for a braille printer."