Drunk driving - possible outcomes
The reasons for driving under influence can be very different. The legislative system practically does not differentiate in any way the degree of responsibility of the driver, who in completely insane form drives at a very high speed on a heavily bu...
The Porn Girls Are Joining The Running Man Challenge
Somehow, it doesn't quite work. Check it out:
Guy Films Wild Night Out With His Drunk Girlfriend
This is what happens when one of you has an alcohol dependence problem. Check it out. And goddamnit, Elizabeth!
Drunk Man Jumps Into Lion Enclosuer in Hyderabad Zoo to "Shake Hands"
But the lions don't have a care for him. In fact, they must have seen the gorilla video. People like that don't deserve to be saved though.
One Tennis Player Gets Annoyed at Opponent's Grunts. Mocks Opponent During Play
He lost a point for 'hindrance.' But should he be punished for it?
So.. Sweden is Relocating an Entire City
Kiruna in Sweden is sinking. So before all of that happens, engineers have embarked on a project to move the entire city.
Can a Guy Running Past You Flip Your Skirt Up Like in Anime?
Anime is full of exaggeration, which is why we love it. But can life immitate what we see? Can a guy running past a girl in a skirt, flip it up with the wind force he generates? This experiment tries it out.
Free-Running Crew Invades Bangkok's Supermall With Their Insane Tricks
Want to see real-life Spider-Men running around, climbing walls, and more in Bangkok's supermall? Then check out Team Farang, who will do everything your parents told you not to in a mall. LISTEN TO YOUR PARENTS. DO NOT TRY THIS AT ALL.
7 Signs You Have a Drinking Problem, Dude
It's Friday and the only thing you can think about is how jam-packed will the pub be tonight, or if there's going to be heavy traffic to get there. Alcoholism is real and people suffer from it. Most times, it starts out like it's just for fun or for...
Drunk Man Assaults Uber Driver After His Ride Ended [VIDEO]
Here's why they also rate you as Uber riders. An Uber driver got assaulted by a drunk passenger who refused to get out of the car after his ride had ended. Watch the uncomfortable video below as it gets pretty violent towards the end.
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