Etch A Sketch Art Skill That's Too Damn Good
This girl, Princess Etch A Sketch, has been honing her art skills with the device at the age of 4. Needless to say, she's a savage when it comes to it. Check out the incredible art.
Watch The Russian Lip Dub Parody by The Three Girls in The Car [VIDEO]
The comedy group Sketch She nailed it when they performed their lip dub music, every video they produced was perfect. Now Russian comedians are having fun with that video in their way. Check it out after the jump below. Will it be as good?
This Dad Imagines All The Great Things His Baby Can Be
This dad turns pictures of his son into adventures and characters with these creative sketches. He created a tumblr for it too, where baby Khoi can be anything. It really is quite cute. Check it out after the jump:1. Baby Thor. 2. Samurai baby. 3. S...
10 Key and Peele Sketches You Absolutely Have To Watch [VIDEO]
Key and Peele's sketches are absolutely hilarious. They're an Internet gem if you haven't already seen them before. We've rounded up the 10 best sketches we love from the comedy duo. Check them out after the jump and have a good laugh. 1. Substitu...
These Photographs are actually Ultra-Realistic Pencil Sketches
Diego Fazio is a pencil artist, whose lifelike portraits are so realistic they look like black and white photographs. The emerging artist is fast becoming famous on Deviantart, and he's been teaching himself since 2007!Each piece can take hundreds o...
Here's Why It Sucks Being The Only Engineer In A Business Meeting [VIDEO]
Just because you specialize in something doesn't mean you're an expert at it. Written and directed by Lauris Beinerts, this short sketch based on a short story by Alexey Berezin perfectly illustrates the pain of being the only engineer in a busine...
This Augmented Reality 3D-Sketching Pen and Pad is Super Cool [VIDEO]
Gravity is a pen and pad that lets you sketch in 3D space using augmented reality. The patent-pending system hardware and software system has gone through several working prototypes and they're now looking to begin manufacturing. Gravity's creato...
Real Life Conference Calls Would Be Painfully Awkward [VIDEO]
Isn't it wonderful how technology has changed how the world conducts business? Nowadays, you can hold virtual conferences with workers without having to book a flight around the world. However, as this trending comedy sketch by Tripp and Tyler dem...
Two Elderly British Actors Are Back With A New YouTube Comment Fight [VIDEO]
British actors Grahame Edwards and Eryl Lloyd Parry of Dead Parrot are back with a new ridiculous YouTube comment fight, this time from the video “GoPro: Fireman Saves Kitten.” Be sure to stick around for nonsensical interruptions by a random YouT...
Here's What Really Goes On In The "Ladies Room" [VIDEO]
There's a reason why it's only okay for ladies to group together to go to the bathroom. And this video from Local Empire pretty much proves everything us guys have suspected all along. But remember guys, it's still creepy to sneak a peek the next ...
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