Conversations over the phone are getting shorter these days, because if you want to be long-winded, people rather you text them instead. Our attention spans are so short, our short-term memory is also affected. And because of this, it makes sense that most conversations, should only last just 10 seconds. Here are some of the ways we cooked up to keep them short:

1. Cut to the chase

"It's me. I need that document from you today. Can you send it over?"
"Okay, will do."
"Thanks, bye."

2. Tell your parents you love them

"Mom, just called to say I love you."
"I love you too, dear."
"Okay, bye!"

3. Know the back stories so you don't waste time

"I know you're running late, but what's your estimate?"
"10 mins."
"Okay, see you then."

4. Have a clear goal.

"Let's go for dinner tonite."
"Sounds great. Where?"
"I'll text you some suggestions. Let me know how you feel."
"Okay. Bye."

5. If you are in a rush:

"I'm in a rush. I'll hurry it over to you in an hour."
"Okay, thanks."

6. For when you have to be brief:

"Mom, won't be back for dinner. Will be late."
"okay, make sure you have something to eat."
"Will do. Bye."

7. If you are multitasking:

"Can you send the file over, I'll reply via email."
"Okay, sure. Anything else?"
"Nope, thanks, see ya."

8. When you are picking someone:

"Mate, I'm outside."
"On the way, down."

9. If you are in the lift:

"I'm in the lift, it could get cut off. Text me?"
"Okay, will do. Or call me after?"
"Okay, sure."

10. When you need to inform someone of something.

"Just calling to tell you I'm on the ground floor, waiting for you."
"okay, will be there shortly."
"Sure, take your time. Bye."

While not every conversation will be that short, keeping things short and simple is sometimes the best kind of communication.

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Keep things short.
