Packing is never easy. You need to consider so many things and do your best not to forget anything! A really, really anxiety provoking occasion. Aside from just piling your clothes and miscellaneous stuff up, you should also think about moving your furniture and electronics, which itself is a huge headache. And if some of you have recently been moving, your memory indeed still contains some of the biggest thrills and frustrations of the process of moving.

Unfortunately, we cannot assist you physically. Yet we can provide you with some useful tips with help of San Francisco Movers to get all your belongings and literally your entire life organized, packed, and comfortably moved to the other place.


1. Create a list

Yes, it would be much better if you create a list of stuff (or at least the list of categories) and pack things according to it. You will thank yourself later. A printed out list will work much better – it will help you organize yourself. Hint: make up a number for every category of belongings (like “Kitchen – 1”) and place a number respectively. It might be unnecessary if you have less than ten boxes. However, if you have a huge house and lots of belongings – this methodology might save the day.

2. Have plenty of supplies

You had probably gone through the situation when people tried hard to save an extra dollar by not picking another box or a roll of plastic tape. They obviously regretted doing so! Have about 5-7 boxes set aside for last minute packing. As well, you will need those for the stuff you use right before moving out e.g. extra clothing, cleaning supplies, and bedding.

3. Color coordinate

Choose a color for each room e.g. pink for kitchen, yellow for bathroom etc. Apply colored stickers on the boxes right after the number (or you can just substitute numbers with colored stickers, but they might fall off during transportation). In the new place, put matching stickers on the door of each room. Your movers will know exactly where they should put every box. It will help you avoid hours of seeking certain boxes and moving them around the house after movers leave.

4. Keep things together

Aside from categorizing your belongings and, therefore, sticking to the thematic organization of your stuff, you should also keep small, loose parts attached to the item they belong to. Use tape or place these items in envelopes attached to the items. It will help you keep picture hooks with pictures, shelf brackets with a bookcase, a special wrench, and bolts with the wall unit. As a modern person, you would indeed have many cords in your house. Tie them up and find a comfortable way to title, which belongs to which of your electronics. You will be really thankful to yourself for this.

5. Pack ahead

Planning is good; preparing yourself to moving is even better. But the best idea is to pack as much as you can a week or two before the day X. If you decided on the day and time you move to another place, you actually have plenty of time to pack all the stuff you won’t need in the nearest future. For instance, you may pack extra TV’s and computers, winter or summer clothes (depending on the season), cooking and cleaning supplies etc.

6. Cleaning supplies are essential

Don’t forget about cleaning supplies! You will obviously need many of those when you move to the new place. Likewise, they might be a necessity if you have to clean your old place after moving out. In the end, you will need those in the future, so get more than you assume is required.

7. Use your luggage

Isn’t it a brilliant idea to fill luggage, purses, and duffle bags with whatever you want? Why would anyone leave luggage empty and unused? You may also use bags and suitcases to consolidate essentials that you assume you will need right after moving in. While a random box can be lost in a pile of the same cardboard containers, your favorite luggage can be found immediately.

8. Don’t forget about the essentials

We have just mentioned that you should pack the essentials. The choice is all yours – whether it’s going to be a special box, a briefcase, luggage, or any other concept. It should contain basic cleaning supplies as toothbrush, some bedding, towels, extra clothing, and any particular supplies you need on an everyday basis. Looking for some of those belongings can surely take up to several hours if you do not bother to pack them together in advance.

9. Safeguard valued items

Regardless of your financial status, you have some highly valued and/or expensive belongings that you should worry about. We recommend taking such possessions as silverware, collections, and antiques, with you. Even the most praised moving company cannot be responsible for every worker’s honesty and conscience. You should also find out what paperwork (receipts, appraisals, and photos) you might need to file a claim in case of loss.

10. Take important papers with you

Finally yet importantly, you should think of any papers you find important (documents, passports, checkbooks, receipts etc.) and find a place where they won’t get lost. A briefcase can be a perfect choice in such case. Always carry it with you! It’s quite simple to lose a small bag if you are trying to deal with the transportation of a piano or a refrigerator.