Watch Deadpool Interview Wolverine
Deadpool interviewing Wolverine. It seems as if this is more of a comedy than anything else. Check it out below:
Here Are All The Rejected Audition Tapes for The Next "Wolverine" [VIDEO]
Everyone wants to play The Wolverine. So it's no surprise a whole bunch of famous people got together to audition for that role. Unfortunately, they just didn't quite fit. We wonder why. Check it out below: Definitely not this guy: Or any of these...
The "Who Slept With Who" Infographic of Every Marvel Character
The Marvel universe has quite the love saga going on, because fighting all the time with your fists is boring. This infographic made by Sploid brings attention to, if true, the biggest manwhore of the universe - Wolverine. He's an animal! Check out...
Hugh Jackman is Very Excited About Spider-Man Coming to Marvel [VIDEO]
Hugh Jackman didn't hear the news that Spider-Man is coming home to Marvel, and when he was told about it in an interview for another show, he was pretty excited about it. Check it out below: Finally!
Wolverine Makes a Better Version of Beyonce's Song: "All The Single Mutants"
Wolverine sure knows how to move. He might not be able to move as well as Beyonce, but he still rocked it pretty hard. In this version, he turned Beyonce's All the Single Ladies into his own version: All the single mutants. Check it out:
You Will Want These Impressive Homemade Retracting Wolverine Claws [VIDEO]
I don't know about you, but I definitely want these automatically retracting Wolverine claws made by crazy inventor Colin Furze.In honor of the newest X-Men movie, X-Men: Days of Future Past, Colin's Wolverine claws not only deploy and retract like...
Wolverine The Musical, Performed by the Man Himself [VIDEO]
Hugh Jackman stopped by The Matt Edmondson Show on BBC Radio 1 to sing a nerdier version of Les Miserables, replacing the characters in the song of Who Am I with his character Wolverine. This is Wolverine: The Musical. Check it out below:
This is Hugh Jackman's Favourite Latte. And Ours Too!
Talk about some skills, son. Hugh Jackman couldn't resist sharing this on Twitter. "Now THAT'S a barista," he said on Twitter.
Wolverine is The Best Disney Princess of All Time
We've seen Disney princesses go steam punk and badass and super sexy before, but not one of them has anything on Wolverine. David J Prokopetz collected 14 drawings of Wolverine in gowns to prove that Wolverine is Disney's best princess. You can see ...
What's Wolverine Say? The Ylvis Parody [VIDEO]
So you now know what the fox would say. But what about Wolverine? This parody attempts to answer that question. Matt Raub and Jason Inman wrote the lyrics to this bit of silliness, and Inman edited the video. Check it out after the jump: [via The...
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