
Gone are the days when American men would normally be found doing MANLY things like chopping down trees, climbing ropes, and carrying 100 lbs of bison meat back to the wagon. Thanks to the totally made up word known as "MANCESSION", you'll be more likely to find them doing normal stuff like buying groceries at your local supermarket.

According to marketers, these men who prefer purchasing goods and services are now being coined as 'MANFLUENCERS' (because even simple things like words have to have their own genders now). Here's how these MANFLUENCERS were discovered in the first place:
In focus group after focus group, Julie Murphy, an account planner at Midan Marketing, heard from under- and unemployed men who were buying and preparing most of the food in their households. Robbed of their economic potency, men were transforming themselves from chest-waxing metrosexuals into helpmates.

Smelling a trend, Midan conducted a survey that revealed that 47% of men in the US are buying most of of the groceries and doing most of the cooking in their homes. Murphy decided to call this group “Manfluencers™” in order to highlight their newfound power over purchasing decisions. (Yes, the term is trademarked.)
Murphy says that one of the most interesting things about the shift towards men buying groceries is that it doesn’t always mean a change in shopping habits. “Men are from Mars and women are from Venus, right? We thought [the differences in shopping habits] were going to be earth-shattering, and there would be so many differences between genders. But we found they’re very alike.”

Seventy-seven percent of manfluencers make a grocery list, 72% compare prices between stores, and 59% are surfing websites for deals and clipping coupons, “all things you wouldn’t think a man would do,” says Murphy.
So males around the world, embrace your newfound 'MANFLUENCER' title knowing that buying groceries does not in any way make you less of a man.
