#PutButtsInaVideoGameTitle is Now Trending. Check Out The Suggestions
Fancy a butt in video games? Well, according to this hashtag that's trending, so do a lot of other people. Here are some of the suggestions coming from people as to which video game should have some butts in them. Check it out!
"Breasts Or Butts" - Which is Better? This is The Best Theory Ever [NSFW]
If there ever was a debate, you can use these arguing points to win.
Game of Thrones Cast Play Game of Butts
Can the cast of Game of Thrones accurately guess the butts that go on screen? Check it out:
The Sexiest Butts of 2015
Was 2015 the year of butts again? It seems like the obsession over the rear hasn't quite ended yet. Either way, we did check out a ton of these kinds of pictures all year long. Here's recapping some of the sexiest ones we've seen. But before that, l...
Jingle Butts - A Song That's Definitely NSFW and Adult-Funny
So this guy is back once more, and he's hitting them butts to make musical sounds. And the tune that they're going for this time around? Jingle Bells. But with butts. So, this video is definitely NSFW.
12 Important People Who Bared Their Butts in Game Of Thrones [NSFW]
Known for being the show with everything you love in it, GoT's got violence, dragons, incestuous lovers, sex, and lots of butts. Here are some 12 moments when characters showed off their behinds, though, we're not sure how much of this we're going t...
This Girl Got Shot in The Butt With Gummy Bears in Super Slow-Motion [NSFW]
Will getting shot with gummy bears hurt? We're not sure but judging from this video, it might not be. Either way, the point of this video here is really the quality of slow motion, since 5,000 frames per second is really damn impressive.
Scientists Are Going to Analyze Surfers' Butts To Keep Us Safe at The Beach
The ocean is polluted from all kinds of gross things you can imagine. Human sewage, plastic bags, bacteria and more. It can potentially introduce harmful antibiotic-resistant bacteria to coastal waters. That's why, researchers from the University of...
Prefer Boobs or Butts? This is What Your Preference Says About You.
Are you boob guy or a butt guy? The preference of either is split among people, and now science has the answer as to what kind of person you are depending on which you like. Gene Expression, a blog specializing in genetics, performed a study to unve...
Psychologists Discover The Reason Why Men Love Women With Big Butts
2014 was no doubt the year of the booty, but as it turns out, according to evolutionary psychologists at Bilkent University in Turkey, men have always loved them buns. They've also claimed to have discovered the reason for it. Published in Science D...
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