10 TV Character-Types You Shouldn't Date
Nobody likes a cheater in real life. But thanks to the magic of television, even the most promiscous characters can come across as relatable or even lovable to their viewers. Despite their sleazy behavior, these characters still play an important ro...
24 Cheaters Who Were Exposed on Social Media
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. And in this day and age, things can get publicly ugly for you, especially if your ex-S.O. decides to post it up on Facebook. Or humiliate you on social media however they like. The advice: don't cheat. Simple....
10 Television Characters You Probably Shouldn't Date
Nobody likes a cheater in real life. But thanks to the magic of television, even the most promiscous characters can come across as relatable or even lovable to their viewers. Despite their sleazy behavior, these characters still play an important ro...
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