Guy Uses Ingenius Way To Find Himself a Roommate
Looking for a roommate is a tough thing to do. Reddit user, ucfknight95 made a website If We Were Roommates and placed clever posters to catch a potential's attention. Did he end up with the best roommate ever? We don't know yet.
10 Geniuses Who Got High on Drugs and Changed The World
Geniuses are more often than not a lot quirkier than you. They (and their ideas) are not always socially accepted, which makes them extraordinary human beings with great capabilities regular folk can't seem to understand. But sometimes geniuses also...
15 Reasons You Believe You're a Genius Thanks To The News
We see outrageous headlines every other day and some of them are of scientific studies that claim one thing or the other. But sometimes, we see headlines that align with our personalities and behaviors, and they're saying we're all geniuses.
11 Reasons To Believe The Kids Are Going To Be Alright
With the funny stuff kids do these days, and parents who can't be parents, you would be right to worry about the kids of tomorrow. Are we all doomed? Or is there some glimmer of hope? Here are some 11, proving we might not have anything to worry abo...
Can You Tell if These 18 People Are Lazy or Just Plain Genius?
There's a fine line being lazy and being genius. Sometimes it's hard to tell the two apart. Here are 18 pictures that will leave you wondering if they are truly acts of laziness or pure brilliance. Check it out after the jump:
11 Reasons To Believe The Kids Are Going To Be Alright
There's a real worry that we're mollycoddling our kids today, being over protective and whatnot. Here are some 11 pictures to prove that there's still hope for some creativity and that they're going to be just alright. 1. Quick on her feet: 2. Being...
29 Products That Are So Amazing, You've Got To Have Them
Here are some brilliant products that combine the idea of life hacking to make them an even better product. You'll wonder why aren't these things selling like hot cakes. Check them out: 1. Ice cream lock that gives access to anyone who knows the ri...
10 Things Kanye West Thinks He Can Do Better. Including Redesigning Instagram
Make no mistake, Kanye West is a genius, in all kinds of things he does. Everything he touches turns gold. Or sort of. He's also not one to shy away from claiming he can do things better than anyone else. Here are the top 10 things Kanye thinks he c...
Even 13-Year-Olds Can Build Nuclear Reactors Now [VIDEO]
Prepare to feel very inadequate about your skills. Meet Jamie Edwards, a teenage scientist who is now the youngest person to ever carry out atomic fusion: So how did this 13-year-old manage to do it? Jamie embarked on building his very own nuclea...
10 Geniuses Who Got High on Drugs and Changed The World
Geniuses are more often than not a lot quirkier than you. They (and their ideas) are not always socially accepted, which makes them extraordinary human beings with great capabilities regular folk can't seem to understand. But sometimes geniuses also...
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