Golf Cart Jetpack. So You Don't Have To Drive
Why drive to the next hole in the course when you can jetpack?
Watch a Demo of a Flying Jet-Pack Take Place Inside a Mall [VIDEO]
Will the future of travel be the way of jet-packing? I'm not sure, but it does look like a pretty cool way to travel. Except, perhaps the only thing they can do better, is to make the whole thing a little less noisy. Check out the demo below:
Jetpack Travel is Almost Mainstream. Two Guys Fly Over Dubai in Them [VIDEO]
Why bother driving when you can fly...on your own! With a jetpack, that is. Humans have always wanted to fly, and this is living the dream and proof that we can do it, with some help. Will jetpacks be mainstream? Either way, this looks like some se...
Travel via Jetpack. Now You Can Fly to Different Cities [VIDEO]
Jetman is back in the skies, and he's flying everywhere. This would be a really cool personal air-travel way to get from one place to another. What do you think? Yves Rossy dons his jetpack for some solo flying action. Watch him do this thing below:...
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