Check Out The Weird Jobs Of The Past
These are the professions that did not last the test of time. Needless to say, it's probably a good thing none of these are career options anymore. Check out some of the weirdest jobs to have existed in the past.
1. Powder Monkey
The task of reloadiong gunpowder into the cannons.
2. Farter
Professional farter - you would have to be able to fart at will to entertain the people.
3. Ice Cutter
Fridges didn't exist back then, so you had to actually go cut it up yourself.
4. Flyter
The "rap" battles during those times, where people would hurl insults at each other using poetic verses. James IV and V of Scotland employed professional flyters to entertain the courts.
5. Resurrectionist
Digging up graves and selling the body remains to medical schools
6. Phrenologist
Paid toread intelligence by inspecting shapes of heads.
7. Pin Setter
Before automation, people actually had to reset the pins after every round.
8. Sluggard Walker
These people would wack you in the head if you fell asleep in church.
9. Rat catchers
Before a more genius way of catching them was invented, they were done mostly manually.
10. Chimney Sweep
Basically, cleaning chimneys out.
11. Leech Collectors
People would catch them and sell them to doctors to treat their patients.
12. Daguerreotypist
The earliest kind of public photography service.
13. Armpit Hair Plucker
Because there had to be someone to pluck those hairs out of you, for you.
14. Milkman
Milk would go bad frequently because there were no fridges, so milkmen would deliver them to you.
15. Orgy planner
A profession that probably still exist today, they would plan orgies for the ancient Romans. This is a tough job.
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