School and college years are considered to be the best time in life. You don’t have any obligations and problems. Moreover you have a lot of free time and friends who invite you at parties. You can go out for a night without thinking about next day and then sleep as long as you want. This time is definitely the best one. 

As you know there is always a “but”. If students got used to working with books, doing home assignments or preparing something for a class – new things seem to be terrible and strange. It can be exams, tests or writing a research paper. First two items shows what you have already known and how you have learned the previous material. Research paper is more complicated and at the same time more interesting. It demands your own thoughts, suggestions, valuations, arguments or analysis. That’s why a lot of students question the Internet about how to write my research paper and looking for any useful tips or hints. 

These things will make the writing process easier

If the work is organized in a proper way, even the hardest task will seem manageable. It’s not a secret that working out a plan before doing something can ease the process of doing that. Now let us give some tips for students in writing a research paper. 

1. Make up a plan
As soon as you know your topic, make a plan and set the aims. Spending at least one hour per day writing a research paper you will do it faster and better. First of all, write down the list of items which should be discovered in your research, think about chapters and the main questions in them. 

2. Read everything concerned
A research paper wants you to write your own thoughts in own words. It’s not the best way to rewrite someone’s suggestions. Find out articles, books, videos or pictures according to your topic and explore the main points. Just read for a half an hour and then think of it, do you agree or disagree or what you can add. 
3. Speak with your mates
This step can help you in two ways. First one is that you can find out some books, secrets of writing or other thoughts. Second one is about better understanding. Scientists say that when people talk about their problems they understand it better or find out the new aspects of it.

4. Question yourself
Regardless to what you have written, think about it again and again. Be free to change your mind and rewrite because only in this way you can create something interesting and unique. 

5. Check it once more.
When you think that it is over, unfortunately it is not. It is necessary to check your paper once more. Read it fully three or four times, pay attention to the structure, sentences and even words you have used. It is a common fact that obvious mistakes can be hidden in front of you and stay unnoticed.  

Follow this simply rules and your research paper will get the best mark. Your main aim is to write down your thought and reveal the problem.