We Should Probably Be Glad These Valentine's Cards Don't Exist Anymore
Back in the day, V-day cards were kinda absurd and sort of sexist. At least, some of them were! Check out the kinds of cards you'd be thankful you didn't get this Valentine's. They're crazy!
Afghanistan Was Very Different in The 1960s Before The Taliban
Life was very different before the Taliban in Afghanistan back in the 1960s. These pictures were taken by American university professor Dr. Bill Podlich, who took a two-year leave of absence to work for UNESCO in Afghanistan.
12 Times You're Glad You Don't Live In The 90s
It might have been a cooler time, since there were was more real-life interaction than now, but the 90s weren't exactly the most awesome time for gadgets and more. Here's checking back how things were like back then. 1. Phones were heavy, large, bul...
This Awesome Game Room is Like Something From a
How much do you love gaming? Heidi here is a retro game collector and she's got a game room that will put yours to shame. It has anything and everything you could ever need for gaming. There are a total of 20 TVs, and a ton of games to play.
Sexy Retro Music Video Portrays "Warm Hole" in a Playful Manner And Is Probably NSFW
You'll need to turn on the captions for the lyrics for this video because it might be retro looking, but it's definitely on some new age, liberal view of a play with words. Also, it's quite sexy too. Watch the Brown Eyed Girls sing 'Warm Hole.'
15 Things This Generation's Kids Won't Understand
With technology advancing so fast, the awesome tech of the 90s will soon be forgotten. There was a time when social media wasn't everything. Here are some 15 things kids today and tomorrow won't be experiencing. 1. Blowing into a video game cartridg...
16 Things That Remind You There Was Something To Do Before The Internet
Those who were born before the Internet took over all our lives will remember that we did have things to do before being able to spend countless hours stalking your ex on Facebook today. Here are some things that we used to do before the Internet. 1...
This Retro Trailer For Batman v Superman is Much Better Than The Latest [VIDEO]
By now, most of you have already seen the trailer for Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. But it is the retro version which is the one you should watch. Here it is. Check it out: It's got this Batman. And this Superman: Watch it below:
12 Reasons The 90s Weren't Actually Awesome
Despite growing up in such a cool time, the 90s weren't exactly as awesome as we remembered it to be for these 12 reasons. What would kids of today say about this era when they're older, we wonder. Check out the list below:1. Phones were heavy, larg...
15 Things Kids Today Won't Be Doing or Understand
Technology defines an era, and the kids that grew up in them will always remember how 'things were like back then.' Here are some 15 things kids today won't experience, or understand at all. Check out the list below:1. Blowing into a video game cart...
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