7 Ways to Avoid Getting Scammed on Black Friday
Black Friday is probably one of the most awaited seasons in a year because of the exciting deals here and there. However, this season is also the time for cybercriminals to take advantage of people's amenability.To protect yourself from getting scam...
Insurance Scammers Know a Thing Or Two About Acting. Deserve an Oscar.
Lots of people are out to con the heck out of you. A particular group of people who have been tagged 'insurance scammers,' are particularly good at what they do. Which is why you probably need a dashboard cam today. Amazing acting.
This Comedian's Email Exchange With a Scammer is Legendary
British comedian James Veitch is just like you and me. He receives the same old spam mail that we all get. From free viagra, to love hookups, and to how you can get a lot of money if you just respond to help someone. Except, Veitch decided to actual...
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