This is Why No Aquarium Has Great White Sharks
Ever wondered why no aquarium has great white sharks? Many have tried, but it is incredibly difficult. And most of the time, it doesn't work out.
Chinese Loan Sharks Demand Nudes From Female College Students as Collateral
Borrowing money from loan sharks is the worst thing you can do. And in China, they have a different way of making sure they can collect the debt. Internet loan sharks in China are now demanding nudes from female college students who are seeking out ...
21 Facts About Sharks You Never Knew
In case you were wondering if sharks were nothing but predators of the ocean, here are some very interesting facts about them. Yes, we should be afraid of them, but believe it or not, they should be afraid of us instead. Check it out in the list bel...
This Close Up Shark Video Left This Australian Weatherman Not Wanting To Go Back in The Water EVER [VIDEO]
I mean, I would say something like that too after watching this. Because if you think sharks were just going to be in the water, and only in the water, then you're very wrong. What if they were to jump out of it to catch whatever it is that caught t...
Scientists Found Sharks inside a Volcano [VIDEO]
Imagine dropping a camera down a volcano, only to find stuff living in it. Like sharks! In a new video from National Geographic, an expedition team found sharks in Kavachi, an active submarine volcano. Kavachi is located off the remote Solomon Islan...
Watch Five Hungry Sharks Tear a Whale Carcass Apart in Terrifying Footage [VIDEO]
Here's why and how terrifying sharks are. Watch them as they tear a whale carcass apart in the ocean like it was a feasting frenzy. Surely, no better time to be out of the water than that time. Check it out below:
See This Idiot Jump onto a Whale Carcass While Sharks Were Feeding On It [VIDEO]
We've seen idiocy before, but maybe not as idiotic as this. This guy from Australia jumped on top of a whale carcass while it sharks were feeding on it. He is lucky to be alive. See this: The footage was captured by a Seven News helicopter. The guy'...
A Bunch of Sharks Feeding on a School of Fish [VIDEO]
Brian Recker had the chance to witness 100 sharks enjoying a bunch of school of fish. You'll want to be this far watching this though. Quite a video. Check it out after the jump!
These Animals Are Far More Dangerous Than Sharks [VIDEO]
A few days ago, this video started to make its viral rounds. It showed how a huge goliath grouper swallowed a shark whole. That's right. Think you've sharks to be afraid of when you're in the sea? Think again. There are far more animals deadlier tha...
Brave Divers Help to Remove Fishing Hooks Stuck in Sharks [VIDEO]
Many fisherman do the irresponsible thing of leaving their hooks on sharks as they release the animals back into the water. The reason they do this is so they don't get bitten. But the act of leaving a hook in someone is very cruel. So this group o...
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