This is The Process of Screening Syrian Refugees
The process is harder than you think. ATTN: spoke with Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson and his office, who explained the rigorous screening process refugees of the Syrian Civil War must go through to enter the United States of America. Watch...
Shocking Video Will Make You Feel Grateful About Living Somewhere Peaceful
Uploaded by International NGO Save The Children to highlight the ongoing war in Syria, this short but powerful video imagines what a numbed western world would look like when war breaks out, and it's all captured through the eyes of one innocent l...
Viral Photo Shows 4-Year-Old Boy Fleeing Syria and Crossing Desert Alone
CNN International reporter and anchor Hala Gorani came across a 4 year old boy named Marwan, crossing the Jordanian desert alone after being separated from his parents while fleeing the country. The image has gone viral. UN staff found 4 year-ol...
Here's Why Syria's Gas Attack Is So Horrible
Last week, the internet was flooded with reports about chemical weapons being used near the capital Damascus in the Goutha region. Be warned, what you're about to see is both graphic and heartbreaking (via Truth Loader): Details about the alleged...
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