These Are Realities You Can't Really Argue With
There are some things you can't argue with in life, and here they are set and displayed in graphs and charts. Talk about priorities. We sure have them right, don't we. Check it out:
This is The Truths About Hymens and Sex
So it turns out, you might not know much about the hymen and virginity. Everything you know is probably wrong. It's a topic that's not really understood well by men or women. Watch Adam from CollegeHumor explain it:
29 Snapchats That Tell You Nothing But The Truth
You can be funny by being truthful too, as evident by these wonderful 29 Snapchats. They are nothing but the truth, and are probably the best you'll see today. Check out the list of hilariously truthful Snapchats. They tell nothing but the truth! 1....
Here Are 25 Things That Are Very Hard To Argue With
Here are some truths everyone will find it hard to argue with. From wrestling's objective to win a belt to the Kardashians changing all the men in their lives to what sex education is really like, check out the list below:
Check Out What Happens When Dads Put Their Adult Kids To a Lie Detector Test [VIDEO]
Does your dad know about all the times you've lied to him? Probably, since dad was really just playing dumb all this while to be the cool one in the family. This is what happened when these dads put their adult kids through a lie detector test. Lot...
15 Truths About "Reality" TV Shows
Don't believe everything you see on TV. A lot of reality TV shows are actually all made up, or 'fake'. They are only 'real' to a certain extent, and a lot of it is scripted to make good TV. Here are some truths about some of your favorite reality TV...
21 Concepts of Life You Can't Deny
Here's a look at some 21 concepts of life that will make you agree they're true. In fact, you can't quite deny any of them. Check them out in the list below and let us know what you think:
15 Pictures That Will Open Your Eyes To The Truth
Let's leave 2014 a little smarter. These 15 pictures below will teach you a thing or two about random things. Check the list out below. I was shocked with #5. 1. Is this how they really do it? 2. Omg..it was a hat after all? 3. So that's what no-mor...
The Language of Lying Will Help You Sniff Out The Truth [VIDEO]
Everyone lies, and we do it more times than we can remember in a day. In fact, you could hear from 10 to 200 lies a day. Here's a helpful way of being able to sniff out when someone isn't telling you the truth. This is the language of lying. Lie muc...
All The Lies About Coca-Cola You Believed Were True But Are False
People enjoy spreading lies and rumors, and Coca-Cola gets a ton of them. Here are the many lies that people have found plausible, and have come to believe so far. Check them out below: 1. A Glass of Coca-Cola Can Dissolve a Tooth OvernightCornell ...
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