Indian Superman and Spider-Woman Have a Dance Off
This is more entertaining and easier to follow than Batman v Superman. Check it out below:
Is Lynda Carter Still The Hottest Wonder Woman?
Gal Gadot did a pretty good job as Wonder Woman, and she sure as heck looks the part. But could she have beaten Lynda Carter for the role of ultimate Wonder Woman or does Carter still reign supreme? Here's checking out Lynda Carter in WW garb:1.2.3....
The First Footage Dedicated To Wonder Woman is Finally Here
We've seen Wonder Woman in the Batman v Superman trailer a couple of times already, but we don't exactly know her origins, or there's never been a spotlight shone on her before. Here's taking a first look at her character, and basically, Gal Gadot i...
This Woman in a Bikini Holding a Treadmill Just Got The Internet Photoshop Treatment
What in the world is this woman doing? Is she demonstrating a treadmill on Amazon's product pictures? Or she could be doing something else that we're missing here? Either way, the Internet has taken on its self to give it the photoshop treatment. 1....
Crazy Rich Chinese Woman Throws Stacks of Cash in Jeweler's Face to Prove She's Rich [VIDEO]
Somehow, I got the feeling that a lot of people has had this sort of fantasy. You go in to a luxury store, somehow, not dressed for it or up to its standards. The people working there 'look down' on you, wondering just what the hell you're doing in ...
Woman With Gigantic Breasts Operates Jackhammer [NSFW]
You would think this woman should be wearing more protective gear, given that she has been blessed with the eight wonder of the world on her chest. Instead, she's gotta wear a singlet to work. Looks like a tough job actually.
The Newest Bond Girl is 50-Year-Old Monica Belluci. She Perfers To Known as a Bond Woman.
Monica Belluci's hotness is legendary. And even at 50, she's still ozzing sexiness on screen and in real life. She's now your new Bond Woman. There's something really hot about an older woman assuming the role younger 20-year-olds usually got in Bon...
This Chinese Woman Jump Into a Lake When Her Husband Refused To Buy Her a New Handbag
Grown women acting like they are children and throwing tantrums aren't something you hear about everyday, including this one: a Chinese woman jumping into a lake because her husband refused to buy her a new handbag. The woman is from Dezhou, China. ...
A Pastor is Convinced That Justin Bieber is a Woman Who Cut Her Breasts Off [VIDEO]
While we usually call Justin Bieber a woman, we say it in jest, but one pastor decided to take it very literal and has a new theory that he could actually be a woman. Pastor James David Manning implied that Bieber is actually a woman who had cut off...
Is This The Chinese Cat Woman? [VIDEO]
In what seems to be an altercation of sorts happening in a restaurant, a Chinese woman comes to the rescue by handing everyone being antagonistic their ass. Is this real or fake? Some kick-ass happening here: Watch the video here:
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