Moving into a bachelor pad is a great thing. You are finally moving out of the nest that is your parent’s house and becoming an independent person. More importantly though, you have the chance to throw wild parties and do what you want! No more Mum and Dad telling you what to do and shaking their heads’ when you roll in at three in the morning. Oh no. In fact, the only head shaking there will be at the new pad is if you come home before three.

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Before you invite everyone round to celebrate, you still have to furnish. But, this is a guy’s pad so you have to tailor it as such. Bearing this in mind, here are the essential items every bachelor pad needs.

A Huge TV

A TV is a big deal in any home, but in a bachelor pad everything is ten times the size. You don’t need a TV you could find in your Grandma’s house; you need a TV you would find in a Billionaire’s house. It doesn’t matter if it is unnecessary and over the top, it doesn’t even matter if you can’t afford it; it is a must. And when it comes to bachelor pads, size matters so the bigger, the better.

A Banging Sound System

Your pad is going to party central so a sound system is essential. If you don’t spend half the time annoying your neighbours because the bass is ‘too loud’, your sound system isn’t good enough. Some parties and after hour’s rendezvous’ that are going to take place means that music is vital.

It cannot just be any old sound system, however. You can’t have the ladies turning up with a 90’s boom box blasting. It just won’t do. You need wireless sound that connects to the Wi-Fi that you can pump into any room in the house.

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Electronic Garage Doors

The garage might seem like the last part of the house that needs pimping up, but underestimate it at your peril. A bachelor pad is so much more than trying to impress people; it is about making your life as easy as possible. That means buying effortless gadgets, like electronic garage doors. Or, if you want ease and security then roll up doors are a good option.

Remember: anything that makes your life difficult doesn’t belong in the bachelor pad, no matter how insignificant it might seem.

Pool Table

Every bachelor pad needs a game’s room of some sort, and a pool table is a perfect place to start. Whether you have people around the house or you are in on your own, a pool table is a great place to congregate, socialise and spend your time.

Plus, the pool table is a great place for an impromptu game of beer pong.

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Summer is fast approaching so you need a proper grill to get a bit of cooking done. A BBQ is an essential part of the setup because there is nothing better than eating burgers and drinking beer while sat around the pool.

Oh yeah, almost forgot… get a pool!