Every couple wants to have a unique wedding. A wedding that promises to leave tongues talking long after. However, this does not come easy and you need to be creative.
Here are 4 creative ways to make your wedding unique.

Create unique invitations
The first thing that people see about your wedding is the invitations. Unique invitations will leave a lasting impression on your guests. Most people keep invitations long after the wedding is done. Give them something they will remember you by.  


Choose stationery that reflects you and your style. Use your logo on your wedding stationery. Your logo could be a place, hobby or item that has special meaning to the two of you. Other ways to make your invitations unique is to include a photo of you two or to include surprise by using a scratch-off to reveal the wedding date.

In this digital era, you can incorporate the use of technology in your invitations. It may not be advisable to go tech all the way by creating digital invitations since people still expect traditional invitations.  However, you can have your guests rsvp online so that you get timely responses.

Use unique wedding bands
You have seen them. Those silver or gold coated wedding bands. These are the most common wedding bands used. How about using unique wedding bands to make your wedding unique?

For instance, have you ever heard of wood wedding rings? Well, they are there. Naturally, men prefer dull to shiny. He may not be as enthusiastic about that shiny wedding ring the way the bride would. What is the solution? Get him a unique rugged ring that reflects his character. You can get him a ring made from tough materials such as ceramic or titanium with wood finishing.

Let the Guest Create Their Playlist
In most weddings, the playlist is pre-chosen. What if there is a way that guests could create their own playlists? This way, everyone will enjoy the music at your wedding. You can request your invitees to give two songs as they RSVP. Give the songs to the DJ to include in the playlist.

Capture and share the Moments Differently
The memories of your wedding will remain in the pictures and videos taken. Usually, the videographer or photographer captures these moments.

However, you can do it differently. How about those angles they may not take or the moments they miss. Why not use a drone? A drone can capture from different angles and heights and get those moments your photographer cannot. For instance, have you seen wedding photos in an aerial view?

Just note that hiring a drone is expensive and may not be suitable if you are on a tight budget.

You can share your wedding moments using technology. Have you seen weddings on social media? You could have come across some photos. However, there are ways you can use this differently.

Create your wedding hashtag to be used by when posting photos on social media. This way, you can see all the photos posted by your guests in one album. Have guests use location check-in on social media. And most of all, did you know you could live-stream your wedding ceremony?