Call Of Duty took this world by storm in 2003. Since then it is one of the most loved shooters on Earth. People spend hours upgrading their characters and they are never going to stop. Online betting offices gave it the first position in their ranking. It means that Call of Duty attracts more bets than any other game.

If you think that Call Of Duty betting is something weird - you should know that virtual sports betting is gaining popularity and soon can put on the back burner all other kinds of bets.

Why does it happen? Here are our answers - these actors make people give away their money placing new bets on Call Of Duty matches.


Players and Spectators

Professional gamers take parts in international online tournaments where they fight for impressive cash prizes. Sometimes their awards count hundreds of thousands of dollars.

People quit their boring jobs to devote all free time to gaming. Quite often, they make a fortune playing favorite games.

When getting to know all this system from the inside, players try their luck in betting. They believe they can count all factors to predict the result. In addition, it often happens just as they thought.

Sometimes players double their award with such smart bets. There are people who keen on their rivals. Thus even after their defeat they get a consolation prizes.

Online gaming matches gather no less spectators than football ones. People adore watching other players killing their rivals' characters.

This game was originally modeled after the WWII events. Such plot attracted not only teens but adults as well. Everyone who has ever heard of those events was eager to see it in 3D or try oneself as a virtual soldier.

Thus, multimillion societies gathered millions of fans very soon. Those, who had no time on upgrading characters, enjoyed watching the others playing.

As the interest to the gaming rose, betting offices offered spectators predict the winning teams and results. Both, betting offices and gamblers have made good money on it.



They rarely take part in bets. But they do the most for popularizing online games all over the world. Companies develop new exciting additions, surprising gaming items, locations and other novelties that keep players at their controllers.

Any new thing gamer buys or wins influence at his gaming balance. It means that even changing a gun can drop or raise player's chances for the victory.

Such moments keep spectators, fans and analytics in tension. They calculate the risks and set player's or team's ranking according to these changes.

Everyone should check dozens of numbers before choosing his champion of the night. This sounds much more exciting than regular football, isn't it?