
In the years to come, we'll be seeing a different racing sport called Formula E. Will it be more popular than Formula 1? The new Formula E car took part in a public demo at this year's CES.

It did a couple of donuts and drove past the camera a couple of times, and just before you think it is entirely quiet, it is quite the opposite. The Formula E car, is also known as the Spark-Renault SRT_01E.

Alejandro Agag, CEO of series promoters Formula E Holdings explained, “since the FIA launched Formula E just over a year ago, the progress and interest in the series has been overwhelming".

"When we started we had no cities, no teams, no broadcasters and no car. Now we have all these things so to be able to showcase our new car to everyone involved, and of course the fans, is a very proud moment,” he added. “2014 is a very big year for Formula E with the championship starting in September so it’s important to be starting on such a positive note.”

Check out some videos below: