
Audi has been one of the world’s leading car manufacturers for generations. The German company has produced some of the best-selling models of the last century, and they improve with every new release. While the A4 hit the market quite a while ago now, it is still one of the most-popular cars in their fleet. There are many reasons for that, but the most obvious one is that it is a much cheaper alternative to the BMW M3. Perfect for business users and families alike, you can’t go wrong if you decide to select this model as your next automobile. We’ve gathered a lot of information about why it’s such a good choice, and you will almost certainly benefit from reading through it now.

The Audi A4 is incredibly safe

All cars with big engines and large bonnets tend to be safer than smaller models. That is simply because there are more things in the way that stop the front end from pushing back into the cab. Also, the Audi A4 has been built with safety firmly in the designer’s minds. That is why you can expect to see driver, passenger, side and rear airbags as standard. There are a lot of cool gadgets on-board too. They could help you to avoid any major issues. Just take a moment to search online for the A4’s safety record, and you’ll soon see it is one of the best models around today.

The Audi A4 has plenty of grip and a powerful engine

Among reviewers of this model, one thing tends to stand out. The A4 is so heavy that it offers much better grip than any most other cars on the market today. Of course, the weight adds to fuel consumption, and so that’s something you’ll need to think about before making a purchase. You can get these models with a 1.8 litre engine all the way up to 3.0 litre. You would do well to look for something towards the bottom of that range to limit the amount you spend on road tax. For the best prices in town, you’ll want to take a look at specialist websites. For example, Autohouse Audi cars are available for much cheaper prices than you would encounter when visiting a standard dealership.

The Audi A4 looks amazing and it’s guaranteed to make your friends jealous

While other models in the same class might cost in excess of £50,000, the A4 can be purchased brand new for around £30,000. That is a significant drop in price compared to the BMW M3. You would be forgiven for thinking that means you are getting an inferior automobile, but that simply isn’t the case. You only have to read through owner reviews online to see that a higher percentage of A4 owners are satisfied with their purchase. Many M3 owners take to the internet to complain about all the problems they’re having. Indeed, even owners of the new BMW i8 are not completely happy with their decision.

You should now understand some of the basic reasons the Audi A4 is a brilliant choice for your next car. We hope you get a good deal, no matter how you decide to make your purchase.


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