How can you get the absolute lowest auto insurance rates—you know, without sacrificing too much?  Usually you hear tips like “sacrifice full coverage” or just choose a cheap, shady company instead of one of the big names.  Don’t despair—there are ways to lower your insurance without resorting to that level.  You can buy a new model and have it insured to avoid all your worries.

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You can visit site to compare and save now, nonetheless here are eight tips to try before selling out and doing things the wrong way.

1. Don’t buy a new car you can’t afford.  Even if you can comfortably afford a new car, you have to comfortably afford higher insurance rates.  Many people choose their cars only after researching insurance costs.  It’s not always about year models either.  Sometimes price, repair costs, car safety records, and thievery targets are important considerations.

2. Combine insurance companies with one company.  If you have several insurance companies for all your different policies (car, home, life, etc.) then you’re paying the full price of each.  If you can find a company that offers a multi-policy discount you can save.  You could get additional savings by covering all vehicles in your house, and all drivers, under one policy. 

3. Driving less is always leverage to renegotiate with your insurance provider.  You can catalog low mileage.  You can carpool.  You can limit the number of miles you drive per year.  Some motorists even have a separate car for recreation than they do daily driving, just for the savings on insurance.  Older cars are always cheaper for insurance premiums, especially if it’s 10 years old. 

4. Remember that claims on average are filled once every 10-11 years, according to Kelley Blue Book.  If your premiums are 10% or greater of the KBB value, it’s not worth the investment.  Whatever payment you receive later would equal less than the premiums paid.

5. Increasing your deductible is probably the easiest way to make a noticeable change in your policy.  You pay more expense out of pocket but you save 15-40 percent on full coverage costs.  If you increase your deductible by a few hundred dollars, you will literally be passing the savings onto your emergency fix-it fund. 

6. Make your car safer.  You get an additional discount for making your vehicle harder to steal and a much “safer crash” on the road.  Anti-theft devices, antilock brakes, automatic seatbelts, alarms systems and other safety features mean automatic discounts in premiums for most insurance companies. 

7. Ask about further discounts from the insurance provider who might neglect (on purpose) to tell you about teen discounts for good grades, college student discounts, middle age discounts, senior or retiree discounts, and even business group discounts fro business and alumni associations. 

8. Keep track of your credit.  Running a credit report check every year will let you know what’s on your file.  Credit is playing an increasingly important role for insurance companies who are making judgments based on credit reports.  Not only is paying off your debt key, but so is maintaining a number of available credit sources.  Don’t forget to check your credit report to make sure that there is nothing on your item list that’s incorrect and that can easily be corrected for a credit score repair.

These are the best surefire ways to get a break on high insurance premiums.  Don’t just assume that your premiums will always be high—sometimes it’s all just a matter of searching different insurance providers.