We all appreciate that driving is one of the greatest skills that anybody can possess. Similarly, we all love our cars, and many of us think of them as an extra member of the family. Quite frankly, most of us would struggle to live without our vehicles.

One thing we could live without, however, is the cost. Driving can be ridiculously expensive. But like many things, the bulk of those stresses are born from making poor decisions. In truth, many motorists could reduce the fees simply by making smarter choices.

This can be especially true for new drivers. Here’s how you can remove some of the strain by lowering those costs.

Make Learning Cheaper

Before worrying about the car, you must first earn your license. If you want a quick and inexpensive way of doing this, then taking a crash course could be just for you.


It does mean being hit with one big fee. But it will work out to be a much smaller charge than the weekly driving lessons will become. Alternatively, if you do take the traditional method, then you may benefit from letting your parents teach you.

After all, there’s no better deal than a free one.

Buy A Nearly New Car

If you are in the market for a new car, then the prices can almost make you vomit. But you can make the situation far less daunting by opening your eyes to the rewards of buying a pre-owned vehicle.

You won’t want to buy a 15-year-old car. However, you should have no issues with buying a car that is only a couple of years old and has under 30,000 miles on the clock. You’ll save a huge amount of money by taking this option. If you complete the deal just before the new plates are released, there’s a good chance you’ll be able to negotiate a better price too.

If money is of the essence, you’d be a fool not to utilise this option.


Choose A Car That Depreciates Slowly

While the bulk of your focus should be placed on the immediate situation, there’s nothing wrong with keeping one eye on the future. Do not be afraid to let these aspects play a role in your decision making.

There’s a world of information online, and you should immerse yourself with as much of it as possible. Understanding which cars retain their value should prove to help you dramatically in the long-term. Essentially, knowledge is power. Be sure to put yourself in a position of power.

Find A Car You Will Keep

Depreciation is a killer to your bank balance. The best way to battle back against this is to buy a car that will last. If you find yourself changing model every other year, it might be better to hire instead. At least that way you’ll get a new car every few years without any major ramifications.

If you are looking to keep the costs down, though, the best option is to find a car that boasts longevity. Think about your situation. These cars are perfect for the first-time driver.

Apart from the money side of things, you should want a car that you’ll love. There’s no point in driving something you don’t enjoy.


Get The Best Insurance Deal

Getting your car on the road isn’t just about buying a metal box on four wheels. There are a whole host of other features to consider, and one of the most important factors is your insurance.

Understanding the different forms of cover is vital if you want to find the best deal. Similarly, you should be eager to look at the different companies available. Lucas Velez from Comparaencasa said that motorists could save up to 40% on their annual plans simply by shopping around. That information is simply too important to ignore. So don’t.

Nobody likes the feeling that they are paying over the odds, especially for a service like insurance. If there’s only one change that you make to your outlook on driving, make it this.

Maintain Its Condition

Cars are expensive to run, but those costs will shoot through the roof if you don’t treat the vehicle. Quite frankly, if you look after the car then the car will look after you.

Getting yourself into the habit of checking tyre pressure and fluid levels is vital. Meanwhile, you should ensure that you drive carefully and responsibly at all times. Apart from anything else, failure to do this could potentially put your life at risk.

Even if it doesn’t put you at danger, it could cause greater wear and tear on the vehicle. Ultimately, that’s going to cost you money.