There are plenty of ways we can learn to drive safer and be better behind the wheel. Eliminating distractions is one way to do this. Here are some apps to help. 


Even though this app was abandoned and is not set to receive any new updates, TextArrest is still a fantastic tool for the Android users. The app is considered to be the spark which initiated the development for safe driving apps and is still able to perform like it did from the 1st day.

This app blocks emails and text alerts and will reply using a message that lets the person that sent this message know that you as the driver are unable to answer at this time. Even though this app is lacking other features, the app is still considered to be great and delivers what it has promised. 

2. Detext

This is the type of app that is ideal for the parents who are interested in knowing how their children drive, and is also great for any person looking to block calls, text messages and emails while they drive. One of the best features of this app is that you won’t have to be concerned about forgetting to turn the app on as it makes use of GPS features from your Smartphone which turns on when you drive.

This app automatically starts as soon as you begin driving and provides a way for you to concentrate on your driving. It will also give you a notification the second that you exceed the designated speed limit. Detext also tracks the way you drive and as a parent you are able to view from the Detext website where your child is as well as the speed that they are driving at. At this stage, every account is only able to track a single Smartphone. However, soon the users who are interested in protecting more than one family member at a time will be permitted to link more devices (up to 5). This app is currently only available in Canada and the US. These apps cut down on the risk of crashes and lower insurance premiums according to

This app allows you to ensure your hands stay on the steering wheel and that you can keep your focus on the road at all times in the way of transforming your messages into an audio format. The system reads your messages and then dictates them back to you, which means you never miss a message. Even though the traditional method of blocking still works great, in some cases it is important to hear what someone has to say, especially in an emergency situation. 

In addition, to dictating the messages back to the driver, this app will also send the individual who is attempting to make contact with the driver an automated message that will let them know that the user of the app is driving and is unable to answer at the moment. Even though it would be great if a feature that would allow for a way for the driver to reply, this service is still fantastic and is well worth implementing.