Accidents that take place on the roads can be attributed to the carelessness of drivers but to a great extent these accidents can be averted if the condition of the vehicles that they are driving in is good. 

In this article, let us find out aside from being careful on the roads, what are the other precautions that you can take in order to drive safely and keep accidents at bay. Read on for more information. 


Factors that impact safety of drivers

Prior to proceeding, let us know what preventive maintenance plan is in the first place. It is a maintenance plan that is scheduled and carried out well in advance to prevent equipments and machinery from suffering major breakdown. 

In this case, preventive maintenance plan will be employed in the maintenance of the various components of an automobile so that safety of the driver and the ones behind the wheels is assured. 

In other words, the equipments and assets of the company are checked for repairs and replacement so that a major breakdown or failure in operational activities can be averted. It is not corrective but preventive. 
Basically, there are few aspects that have to be taken into account if you want to avert accidents. Also, referred to as preventative maintenance plan, this measure can be adopted so that the various essential parts of the vehicle are kept in perfect condition and are always running smoothly. Check out these various parts of the vehicle that require preventive maintenance plan. 

1. Pressure of the tire
This is one of the components that is overlooked most of the time if the driver is not cautious enough. However, this is perhaps one of the most vital parts that require monitoring. The tire pressure must be checked at least once a month, if not every 15 days. Check for tears, cuts, bulges, and do not forget about the tread depth of the tires, which should be checked without fail.

2. Windshield wipers
As the rule of the thumb, if you find that with one wipe your car windshield is not being clear, the blades of the wipers need cleaning. And if simply cleaning blades does not work, it is best to change the blades. Ideally, you must change the blades at least once a year. Also, important is to check that the fluid that washes the windshield is full. Make use of a solution that will work in different weather conditions. For instance do not opt for a solution that will freeze during the winters or won’t be able to clear bugs easily. 

3. Brakes 
Brake issues that you must address include noise while pulling the steering or hearing any other kind of noise when the brakes are applied or if the driver finds it hard to apply the brakes. Get the brake pad inspected during the preventive maintenance plan. 

One thing that you must make sure that this maintenance plan can also be carried out when you are not at the site. 

For instance, this scheduled maintenance plan is also mobile friendly and use of CMMS (Computerized Maintenance Management System) software is made for the maintenance plan. Since it is compatible with the hand held devices, mobile CMMS can work wonders for you and you could get access of work orders by checking on your mobile phone. 

4. Airbags 
Watch out for the warning sign light of the airbags. If it is on, getting it checked even when the preventive maintenance plan is few days away will be priority. 

5. Cost 

Last but not the least, preventive maintenance plan pertaining to automobiles will also save few hundred dollars since you don’t have to incur expense on major breakdowns, which otherwise would not have been possible had the preventive maintenance plan not been implemented.