
When the driver of another car hit your car and seriously injure you, it can become costly when the medical bills are piling up, and you are unable to go to work as a result of the accident.

Car accidents in Rhode Island often happen, as there are hazardous sections of road located in Warwick and some drivers are guilty of reckless driving.

If you are the victim of a serious car accident, this is the time to be focusing on your recovery and leave the legal side of things to an experienced personal injury law firm.

What Are Road Accident Claims?

A third party or road accident claim is a claim for compensation when you’ve sustained personal injuries or lost a loved one (for example death of a breadwinner) due to a road car accident.

A claim will be made to the Road Accident Fund (RAF) which is a statutory body, and these claims relate to bodily harm and not a motor vehicle or asset damage. 

Which Persons Are Eligible To Claim?

• A person who has sustained injuries, including claimants under the age of eighteen years (provided he or she is assisted by a legal guardian, parent curator ad litem appointed by the court). 
• When considering lawyers in Warwick make sure you acquire the services of a law firm that can assist you appropriately with your case.
• The deceased person’s dependant, i.e. the spouse or child.
• The dead person’s representative of his estate or close relation of funeral expenses.

What You Need To Do When You’re At The Scene Of The Accident:

Acquire Emergency Care – Get into the ambulance if the EMT’s or police advise you to do so.

Gather Driver And Witness Information – Obtain contact information (name, address and phone number) as well as the driver's license number and insurance information from the other driver. Also, gather contact information from any witnesses of the accident.

Document Information Of The Scene – Take a video or photos of the positioning of the cars and the damages incurred and anything else that might be relevant to your case. This includes signs, trees or any other damaged property and possibly hazardous conditions like potholes, water or obstructed views. And most important, photos of your and your passengers’ injuries.

Give Your Cooperation To The Police – Answer their questions honestly and be calm and collected. Refrain from talking or speculating about the cause of the accident or accepting any blame for the crash.

Arrange For Removal Of Your Vehicle – Once the police are done and you are in the clear to remove your car, you may need to acquire the services of a local towing service to remove your car from the scene of the accident. Don’t leave your car at the accident scene if possible.

Ask For The Accident Report Number – The police officer handling your accident should be able to give you this number before leaving. This number is needed for obtaining the crash report afterwards. You are going to need a copy when pursuing your personal injury claim.