
If you want to create a roadside assistance app like Uber and think it as the desired model for your business, then you are right. This era is working on digital platforms. If you are ready to embrace the latest types of technologies and strategies, then, you can succeed. On-demand apps are in demand as they provide quick solutions to customers or users. People are using vehicles from their day-to-day transport, and problems associated with vehicles are inevitable. For example, travelers seeking assistance for damaged tires or towing assistance requires quick help, and this can only be served by roadside assistance apps.

Why should you opt for a roadside assistance business? This business platform requires fewer man force and is one of the best business platforms that you can choose with the least cost investment. Roadside assistance model can give the best output with the maximum investment in a small time.

Requisites for Road Side Assistance Business

Maybe you are a newcomer and looking to evaluate this business model from scratch. Startups or entrepreneurs require some business tools or models. Check out the following essentials.

On-demand roadside assistance app for the execution i.e. to connect roadside travelers and towing or mechanic service providers.
Management Personnel
Vehicles for towing
Repair Experts
Roadside Assistance App

The roadside assistance app is using its platform to connect all. On-demand assistance apps should be available for different platforms – android as well as iOS. Further, your trained professionals will help in operating the business admin panel where you can easily check out the bookings. The admin panel is one of the important parts of the whole system; your trusted staffs can easily allow bookings from mobile or office by accessing through the admin panel. There are other important options associated with the panel, allowing to check customers reviews. The professionals have to keep eye 24 x7 to access bookings and requests.

Check out the features below required in on-demand apps. There will be three panels; customer panel, service provider panel, and admin panel. These are the basic layout or functions that have to be included in on-demand apps.

Customer Panel Features

Registration Option: The registration option should be easy to use. For example, users can easily login through different channels like social media, mail, phone number and other channels.
Service Availability: The service available option will let customers know about the existing services. There are multiple services like towing service, dead battery replacement, repairing, etc.
Location Accessibility Option: Thus options will let customers or users share their live locations to towing service providers. In this way, they can easily get quick services.
Vehicle Info Option: Customers can share important details like model number, registration number and other detailed information of vehicle after using this option. Therefore, customers can easily identify and get the desired service.
Cost Information: Customers will get the exact information related to cost for the desired service. Such options are necessary as they will help customers to know about the budget, and it might also be possible that customers will not show interest in opting the services without any cost estimation.
Notification: Notification options will help in providing real-time updates to customers willing to opt for towing, repair or other such services. This option will help give updates about every essential. For example, confirmation to payments.
Payment Option: An integrated payment option will help users or customers to make payments easily. For example, there should be multiple payment options so that customers can easily pay through the preferred channel like cash on delivery, credit card system, debit card system or multiple channels. Such advanced options are essential to creating an app like Uber for On-demand assistance.

The above-discussed features are basic and essential. There are some other features that have to be added in the app. Check out the following features of the service provider and admin panel.

Service Provide Panel Layout

Login System

Similar to the customer panel, the service provider panel must comprise easy login procedures. For example, simple login procedures through emails, phone numbers, and social media platforms should be available.

Real-time Request Option

Any request service by customers can be easily acknowledged by service providers through this option. This option will a pop up quick message on screens, and service providers can easily accept or reject as per their schedules. This will help in showing the acceptance and rejection in the designated time frame.

Status Online

The toggle will show the presence of drivers or service providers as per their schedules. Service providers can show their online presence through availability toggles.

Customer Information

This option will help drivers or customers to get detailed information related to vehicles and contact information of customers. Such an option will be initiated after accepting the service request.

Inbuilt Navigation System

This option will help drivers or service providers to access the location through the Google mapping system. This has made work easy for drivers as well as customers.

Payment Option

This is an advanced payment option helping to generate invoices after the service. An automated invoice will be sent to drivers or service providers. Later, they can credit the amount either through online or the preferred option. The integrated platform should be advanced and easy to understand.

Service Providers Dashboard

This option is very essential, as it helps in showing the details of completed tasks as well as upcoming tasks, feedback, and other essentials.

Now, we are going to discuss admin panel features.

Admin Panel Structure

Advanced Login System

This option has to be accessed by owners; therefore, it should be advanced and easy to use. A two-sided login system is secure and easy.


This dashboard will show the key highlights and metrics related to service providers and customers. This dashboard will allow the management of different functions.

There are some other essential features that have to be added in the admin panel. For example, reporting & analytics, rate & pricing management, promotions management, etc. Now you are ready to go!