As a commuter student, you probably feel like you live in your car. But hey, it’s not all bad. At least you don’t have to live in a 2 x 2 cubicle with a roommate who only showers once a week, right? 


When you live on the road, your car becomes a part of who you are, and so do your on-board essentials:

  • Leopard-skin steering wheel cover (fierce)
  • Spotify tuned to Lana Del Rey station (actually 2010s Beiber but we won’t tell)
  • Coffee flask (your best friend)
  • Makeup Bag (puts your makeup drawer at home to shame)
  • Half of your wardrobe (yet somehow your closet is still packed)
  • Power bank (makes sense)
  • Vacuum (emphasis on the “umm…”)
  • Jumper cables (wait, what?)

If this list sounds like you until the end, you aren’t alone. Most of us love making our cars into something special until it comes to the boring stuff (or, you know, the stuff that could save your life…).

Being a commuter means you’re going to be on the road a lot, and as an adult, the responsibility to drive safely is in your hands. Luckily, you can tick all the boxes on your road safety checklist with one gadget: Jumpi. 

Jumpi is a 3-in-1 car companion that keeps your home on wheels sparkling clean… and it could save your life. It’s a powerful antibacterial vacuum, a power bank, and a jumpstarter (in case your car’s battery dies unexpectedly). 


Jumpi is affordable and super easy to use. Plus, the little guy is pretty cute too. Here’s why every commuter student needs one (TL;DR below). 

Jumpi Lives in Your Car

Maybe the best thing about Jumpi is how effortless it is. Jumpi is tiny, lightweight, and super simple to use. 

It measures a little over a foot long and less than 3 inches high. And it weighs less than an iPad.

It fits under your seat or even in your glove compartment, and its large handle makes it easy to whip out for a quick freshen-up before mom and dad peek into your back window. 


You can pretty much put Jumpi in your car and forget about it until you need it. its long-lasting battery is good for 10+ vacuum sessions before it needs a charge. It’s also totally cordless so you won’t have to worry about any annoying tangles or issues reaching those tough spots in the nether-regions of your car. 

Keep Clean and Healthy

Do you know what you drag into your car every day? From walking across campus to running through the rain to taking your dog to the park, your car can accumulate a lot of dirt and tons of bacteria fast. 

And how often do you clean your car? We don’t mean picking up the fast-food wrappers and Starbucks cups, either. We’re talking an actual clean that eliminates bacteria and leaves your car looking great. 

Jumpi gives your car a complete clean without you having to take the time or spend money. Its suction is so powerful that it can pick up large dirt and debris as well as microscopic intruders like bacteria, mold, and mites. And you’ll only have to give your car a once-over to get the job done. 


You can’t always keep your hands clean while vacuuming up a dirty car, which is why Jumpi is coated in an antibacterial lining. Jumpi is guaranteed to stay 100% free from germs even if you keep it under your seat next to that mysterious trash pile that seems to grow bigger over time (wait… did it just move?).  

Save your Reputation

Imagine this: You just got paired with your crush for a project in Econ 101. You hit it off (is this real?) and they say they’ll walk you to your car after. The conversation is flowing and your hands touch as you walk side by side. As you reach your car, your crush looks through your window and stops in their tracks. You ask what’s wrong and they say nothing but continue slowly backing away. Next thing you know, your crush has dropped the class and you get a call asking you to be on an episode of Hoarders.

Ok, so maybe that’s a bit of an exaggeration. But your car is a reflection of yourself—especially if you’re a commuter. Jumpi won’t just keep your space clean; regular cleanings will prevent clutter from accumulating and make sure your space is ready to impress.  

Work it (Without the Work)

Cars are actually pretty small space-wise, so they’re easy to clean. The hardest thing is just doing it. And Jumpi makes that a breeze. Jumpi is small and light, so it can be maneuvered easily from the seated position. It also comes with an attachment for extended reach and precision cleaning. That means you can clean your front and back seats and get into those nooks and crannies that are the hardest to clean—all from your spot in the driver’s seat.


Now, a quick 2-minute vacuum sesh can be incorporated into your daily routine. Jumpi is also 30% quieter than other car vacuums, so if you’re not a morning person, you can still give it a spin without leaving your happy place. 

Stay Connected 

The most annoying part of being a commuter is how the on-campus students hog all the power outlets in the common areas. They can charge their phones in their rooms! 

If you run out of battery on your phone or tablet, it can make studying a pain. Jumpi’s power bank holds an extra 2.5 full battery charges so you can power up when you need it. 

Jumpi’s power bank is also crucial in an emergency. If your battery dies on a trip and you need your GPS app, Jumpi gives you the road back. Or, if you have a break-down or an emergency and need to call for help, you’ll have days of battery power in your reserves. 

Jumpi’s power bank features fast charging and powers your devices 2x faster than other chargers. It can charge any USB compatible device. 

Jump with Ease

Jumper cables aren’t the first things you think of when deciding how to prep your car for college. But nonetheless, these bad boys are essential behind the wheel. Jumpi comes with a set of jumper cables and its own safe power source for easy jumping. 


Jumpi’s cables are safe to use and mistake-proof even if you’ve never jumped a battery before. Here’s how they work:

  1. Attach the cable clamps to your battery
  2. Press the button on Jumpi
  3. Start your car

That’s it. You can be back on the road in seconds even if you have zero experience and know nothing about cars.

Standard jumper cables can cause serious damage to your car if you don’t use them correctly. Jumpi’s cables are professional-grade and protected by a slew of features that prevent damage to your car and the driver. Unlike normal cables, Jumpi’s cables are low-voltage and protected against overcurrent, overloading, and short-circuiting.  

Jump Solo

One of the biggest flaws of other jumper cables is that you can’t use them alone. You need another car with a functioning battery in order to jump your own. this doesn’t offer much help to commuters who are usually on the road by themselves. And it certainly doesn’t help if you’re driving in bad weather or alone at night.

In an emergency, it could take hours for help to arrive. And if you’re stuck in an unfriendly spot, you might not want to flag a car down to ask for help.

With Jumpi, you can jump your battery without the help of another car and be back on the road in seconds flat. Jumpi’s cables work rain or shine and are built to last. Its battery holds enough power for 10 jumps, so you’ll make it home even if your battery is in bad shape. 

Don’t Worry, Drive Happy 

Even if you don’t use Jumpi very often—even if you never use the jumper cables or power bank—it makes every commute better just knowing that it’s there. Just in case. 

This goes for your parents too—especially if you’re driving a car that’s registered in their name. They’re guaranteed to see you as a shining example of collegiate success if you take the initiative to protect yourself and their car from harm. And catching less flack from the parents is always a plus. 

Get Jumpi now at


TL;DR – Why Commuter Students Need Jumpi

Nobody’s got time to read a whole article about a vacuum. Come on. Here are the cliff notes on whey every commuter student needs Jumpi along for the ride:

  • Jumpi is a 3-in-1 vacuum, power bank, and jumpstarter
  • It’s tiny, lightweight, cordless, and adorable, and it keeps your car sparkling clean and free from bacteria and allergens (and will prevent you from becoming a hoarder and never finding true love). 
  • It’s a lifesaver (literally) in an emergency. A built-in power bank will keep your devices charged and its safe jumper cables are mistake-proof, so you can jump your battery in seconds even if you’ve never done it before.
  • Drive with a smile knowing you’ll be safe no matter what the road has in store.

You’re going to want to grab Jumpi soon because they’re about to blow up. We’re pretty sure Drake is featuring one in his next video. Even better, you have the chance to grab one now at exclusive launch pricing of nearly 60% off. This price only applies to the first units shipped, so make sure you snag your Jumpi today at