
Statistics show that there are close to 230 million licensed drivers in the United States, with countless people taking to the roads each and every day, setting off to work, school, local businesses, or even carrying out cross-country commutes and long-distance road trips with their friends and families.

Unfortunately, data also shows that there are approximately six million auto accidents every single year, with countless drivers, passengers, and even pedestrians finding themselves involved in crashes, collisions, and other dangerous incidents that lead to all kinds of injuries and an average daily death toll of 100.

There are many possible reasons why auto accidents happen to begin with. Some occur due to difficult road conditions caused by rain or snow, for instance, while others are down to reckless individuals who make the poor choice of getting behind the wheel while intoxicated or letting themselves get distracted while driving.

While you might not be able to control the actions of others and we can never truly eliminate all of the risks associated with road travel, there are many ways in which people can cut down their chances of ending up in an accident and become better, safer drivers to protect the lives of themselves, their passengers, and others around them.

Always Follow the Rules

One simple way in which you can become a better driver is to make sure you're always following the rules of the road and stay up to date and aware of those rules as needed. When you're visiting a new state, for example, make sure to learn the local rules, regulations, and speed limits in order to follow the local standards.

Now and then, even the safest of drivers can be tempted to break or bend the rules slightly, but the rules of the road are there for a reason, designed to keep everyone safe. Using mirrors, signals, and sticking to speed limits on every road you take, no matter the conditions or circumstances will help you stay safe.

Take Classes and Refresh Your Skills

The ability to drive isn't something you ever really forget, but over time, as the years go by, it's possible that your skills may start to lessen somewhat or you may begin to forget a few of the fundamentals you learned when you were younger. This is why many older drivers choose to take refresher courses or classes to sharpen their skills.

There's no shame in admitting that your driving abilities may have gotten a little rusty over the years, and it's actually one of the best things you can do to own up to that fact and take the time to try and get better. You don't even need to find time for any in-person official classes, as there are lots of online guides and tutorials to follow from the comfort of your own home. 

Keep Your Car Tidy and Well-Maintained

Another useful tip to drive more safely each day is to make sure that your vehicle is in the best possible condition, with a neat and tidy interior and well-maintained components. These might sound like quite unimportant aspects, but they can make all the difference, as clean and well-oiled cars are less likely overall to be in accidents.

If your car has a lot of clutter on the incident, it can be more easy for you to get distracted by items rolling around or getting stuck by the pedals. Similarly, a car that isn't properly maintained may develop faults and technical issues like weak headlights, faulty breaks, or low tire pressure which can make it harder to stay in control of the vehicle.

Avoid All Distractions

Another essential tip to follow when it comes to safe driving is making absolutely sure you always keep distractions to a minimum when sitting behind the wheel. Too many people allow themselves to get distracted, commonly by their phones, snacks, or even their passengers, but every time you take your eyes off the road, you're raising the risks of having a collision with another car.

Distracted driving claims a lot of lives and causes a lot of injuries and accidents every single year, so it's up to you to do all you can to avoid it. Never use your phone while sitting behind the wheel unless your car is safely pulled over, and avoid trying to eat or drink while driving too; be sure to stop and park if you need to do anything that could take your attention away from the road.

Use a GPS

Having a GPS can also be of enormous assistance in terms of helping you become a safer driver. Often, drivers are more likely to have an accident or lose focus if they're lost or too worried about paying attention to street names and trying to find the right road to reach their destination. 

Having a GPS in your car helps to eliminate all that stress, allowing you to focus purely and simply on your driving and the road around you while being guided conveniently and comfortably straight to wherever you're headed. You'll get there more quickly too, with less wasted time and far fewer worries in the long run.


Many of us spend so much time driving each day that we can start to take the process for granted and forget how dangerous it really can be. The truth of the matter is that anytime you're in control of a vehicle, there are a lot of things that can go wrong. 

Other drivers, bad weather, and difficult road conditions can all present serious threats and hazards to your safety, but with the right approach, sharp skills, and a good level of concentration, you'll be able to navigate any obstacle and safely reach any destination, time after time.

Keep these useful tips in mind and start improving your driving skills today, not only for your own safety but also for the protection of all of your future passengers and your fellow road users too.