
Here's Eom-Kwan's vision of what an extreme BMW sports car would look like in an independent design study. The designer was inspired by the SW, which has more in common with the Italdesign's BMW Nazca.

"The BMW SW's beauty is optimized through moderate lines and powerful shape," says Eom-Kwan. "The straight line which begins from the front grille and flows through the sides newly interpreted the traditional and intrinsic line elements of BMW for distinguished design."

"When BMW SW is viewed from the side, the body which looks as if it winded up internally holds strong and keen character lines composed in a balanced manner, and aeromechanical flow and linearity were emphasized to express the vitality and dynamism which bring up the instinct of speed," he added.

Check out a video of it below with a few more shots of the design study in the gallery below:
