
Floridian Filmmaker Luke Aker, a.k.a. Ikonik Productions, has found the best way to sell a used car. He made a witty parody of the standard car commercial accompanying a Craigslist ad for his old 1996 Nissan Maxima. Nissan bought it.

The ad writes, "It not only brings more admiring stares than any other car I have driven it also has seat belts! Amazing!" The commercial drives home the joke with a dramatic announcer touting the aging Maxima's enviable qualities, such as "wheels" and "tires," over beautiful footage of the car's torn seats and weathered paint job.

Nissan saw it and liked it and decided to take him up on his offer.

Aker responded in minutes and by the next day he soldit plus a bonus donation to the Wounded Warrior Project. He threw in another car ad parody too, this time taking on magazines:

Check out the video he made: