Bitcoin Then & Now
In the world of Bitcoin, the fastest way to get the electronic currency is still face to face. But such meetings can bring serious risks of their own. My own experience went very well, and I was able to learn about some potential red flags when d...
Top 5 Most Reliable Cars In Malaysia
It's not uncommon to see old cars being driven around in Malaysia. Some are better kept than others but what cars are on our streets because they are truly reliable and which ones are only still around because their owners would have to pay someo...
How to Dubstep
"Allah" Word May Be Used for Non-Muslim
KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 18 — Banning non-Muslims from calling God “Allah” is tantamount to “syirik”, which refers to the sin of practicing idolatry or polytheism and is an unforgivable crime in Islam, respected Islamic scholar and former Perlis Mufti...
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How to Make Ubuntu Looks Like Windows 7
Creating a Windows 7-style Ubuntu Ubuntu's default desktop is clean, but not very Windows-like. To be completely honest, Ubuntu's default Unity desktop may be slick and pretty, but it isn’t the most configurable Linux environment around. The taskb...
Who started the study of crack?
In 1913, a man named C.E. Inglis looked at a thin plate of glass (?) with an elliptical hole in the middle in a new and different way. Theoretically, the plate was infinitely large and the hole very small in comparison. The plate was pulled at both ...
7 Linux-Made Inventions
http://1-ps.googleusercontent.com/x/www.efytimes.com/efytimes.com/e1/images/xleft_rep.gif.pagespeed.ic.2zD2p8ib9l.webp); background-position: initial initial; background-repeat: no-repeat repeat;">7 Most Surprising Places You Will Find Linux! Did...
How to Avoid Money Scams
The famous showman P.T. Barnum said, “There’s a sucker born every minute.” Sadly, there are just as many people who want to take advantage of them. According to a recent survey of 2,000 people by the FINRA Investor Education Foundation, mor...
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