It has to be one of the most things to deal with. Not only does it hampers your sleep but isn’t healthy for your partner either. Snoring causes sleep deprivation to snorers and those sleeping around them. It also causes daytime drowsiness, irritability and lack of focus. Many studies reveal a direct correlation between loud snoring and the risk of a heart attack (about +34% chance) and stroke (about +67% chance).

A good night’s sleep may be denied to you by your Snoring Spouse. This may eventually lead to you two getting separate bedrooms. "Snoring can create real problems in a marriage," says Daniel P. Slaughter, MD, an otolaryngologist and snoring expert. 


What is causing the snoring?

There are various reasons which cause snoring. Some of them are a weakness of throat, mispositioning of the jaw, obesity, Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA), sleep deprivation, alcohol consumption etc. Anyone or more than one of these reasons could be the cause of snoring.

Tips to deal with the problems of a snoring spouse

Here are some natural solutions and lifestyle changes that may help you.
Communication: Communicate with your partner and tell them that you are having trouble sleeping because of their snoring so you can work on it together.
Changing the Sleeping Position: The base of the tongue and soft palate end up collapsing to the back wall of your throat while we are lying on our back. This causes a vibrating sound while we sleep. Sleeping on our side may help prevent this.
Anti Snore Pillows: The least intrusive option for reducing snoring is an Orthopedic pillow. These are specifically designed to provide support to the head and the neck area, ensuring the jaw stays open and is slightly forward. This helps in keeping the airways unrestricted as possible and this, in turn, leads to reduced snoring.
Lose Weight: If you've recently put on some weight and started snoring all of a sudden when you did not sleep before, trying to lose some weight might help. If you have gained weight around the neck area, it results in squeezing the internal diameter of the throat. This makes it more likely to collapse during sleep, triggering snoring.
Avoid Alcohol: The resting tone of the muscles in the back of your throat is reduced due to alcohol and sedatives. This makes it more likely that you'll snore. Consuming alcohol 6 hours before going to sleep makes snoring worse. 
Healthy Sleep Hygiene: Maintain a good sleep schedule, even on weekends. If you work long hours before sleeping, you will sleep harder and deeper and hence are more likely to snore. Sleeping early and getting a healthy 6-8 hours of sleep daily keeps you more active and reduces your chances of snoring.
Keep Nasal Passage Clean: Keep your Nasal Passage clean. Pay special attention to your nasal passage as an improper passage of air through the nose while breathing is what causes you to snore. Clean your nose if it is blocked due to cold or some other reason.
Sleep is one of the most important activities of the day, and a snoring spouse can get in your way to a peaceful sleep. Follow these tips or consult a specialist to solve this issue and get back to a happy sleeping schedule.