Top Remedies to Treat Cold and Flu
No sickness is better than the other. Not even a cold. In fact, colds may develop into serious respiratory infections. However, you can control a cold by using various cold and flu treatments which you can prepare at home.
Nevertheless, if symptoms persist, you may want to seek a doctor’s advice. Before then, take a look at the remedies you can prepare at home.
1. Ginger
From way back, ginger has been used for its medicinal properties. However, with the advancements in technology, scientists can now back these properties.
According to research, boiling a few slices of ginger can soothe a sore throat or cough. In addition, scientists also say ginger can prevent nausea common with influenza.
2. Garlic
Research shows that garlic contains a compound known as allicin which has antimicrobial properties. For this reason, adding garlic to your soup or food can reduce the intensity of the symptoms associated with colds and flu.
What’s more, regular inclusion of garlic in your diet can help you avoid colds. While garlic may be strong on your tongue, it’s also strong on bacteria.
3. Chicken Soup
This is always the first remedy many people suffering from a cold consider. It’s no surprise since this remedy dates may centuries back and it works well.
According to research, chicken soup made from various vegetables and served warm slows down neutrophil movement in the body. Neutrophils are a type of white blood cells which protect the body against various infections.
By slowing down their movement, the neutrophils can concentrate on areas in the body which require healing. Chicken soup also has the ability to reduce upper respiratory infections and symptoms.
4. Honey
Honey is also one of the most common cold and flu treatments available. Research shows honey contains antimicrobial and antibacterial properties. A combination of honey and lemon in tea proves to be a lethal dose to pain associated with sore throats.
In addition, honey contains suppressants which are effective in cough management, especially in children. As little as 10 grams before bedtime can reduce the severity of the symptoms, thus giving your children a sound sleep.
However, don’t give honey to any child below 1 year since it may cause botulinum spores which are harmless to adults and older children, but harmful to this group.
5. Vitamin C
Vitamin C is known as the foundation of the immune system. Some of the known sources of this vital vitamin include leafy greens, grapefruits, limes, oranges and lemons among other fruits and vegetables.
Adding lemon juice to your hot tea with a bit of honey can break down the phlegm when suffering from a cold. However, you must understand that these drinks may not cure you entirely, but they’ll increase vitamin C levels in the body necessary for combating respiratory infections.
6. Probiotics
These are friendly yeast and bacteria found in the body, supplements and other foods. Probiotics help to maintain your immune system and gut in a healthy state.
Furthermore, research supplements this by indicating probiotics can prevent upper respiratory infections. You can find friendly bacteria in probiotic yogurt which also contains calcium and proteins.
There are numerous cold and flu treatments which can create at home. Some of them may seem, like a dangerous concoction, but various communities root for them in combating cold and flu.
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