You may not realise it, but you are either catching and spreading germs in the office with every move you make. A simple press of the elevator button, a quick trip to the loo, or just a friendly tap on your colleague’s shoulder already causes you to either acquire or spread germs. That is why high-quality office cleaning should never be taken for granted.

Different people share the use of the same workplace. That is just how working for the same business or company usually works. Because of this, the rate by which the unwanted elements that make people sick spreads triples. As a result, it makes you and your staff more vulnerable to diseases.


To prevent this and ensure that everyone in the office stays healthy and safe from diseases, many business owners choose to entrust their cleaning needs to professional commercial cleaners. These people are experts in dealing with dirt and all kinds of particles that can cause illnesses in the workplace. They perform deep cleaning, sanitation and disinfection procedures too. These procedures will help keep everyone at work safe from illness-causing-germs, especially the top three most common bacteria found in the office:


Pseudomonas is the most common bacteria type among the three. It is commonly found in soil, on the skin and in the environment in general. Most cases of eye and ear infections are caused by these bacteria. They can also cause gastrointestinal tract infections, UTI’s and skin irritation.

Pseudomonas is very common - so common, that it can spread even in medical facilities and equipment. In the office, on the other hand, these bacteria are usually found on handheld items, such as the phone, keyboards, mouse and on other surfaces, as well.


Because of its ubiquitous property, no one can truly avoid Pseudomonas. However, you can reduce your chances of being infected through effective and consistent cleaning routines, proper sanitation and disinfection.


Streptococcus is commonly known as “strep”. These bacteria have two types: known as Group A and Group B. Group A is the common cause of infections in the throat and skin, such as cellulitis and impetigo. Group B, on the other hand, causes blood infections, pneumonia and meningitis.

The latter type (Group B) is airborne and it can be spread by coughing and sneezing. It can also contaminate surfaces and objects, such as door handles, eating utensils, mugs and coffee machines.


Streptococcus, like Pseudomonas, can be controlled. You can prevent it from spreading in your workplace by making a habit of cleaning and wiping objects that you frequently touch or use. Professional commercial cleaners can also ensure that possible breeding grounds for these bacteria are thoroughly cleaned.


Staphylococcus, known as “golden staph”, is a type of bacteria that is commonly found in the nose and on the skin. They do not always cause diseases, but you can be vulnerable to the infections they cause when you have injuries.


They are also present on surfaces and objects that are commonly shared or used in the workplace. Staphylococcus can be spread through physical contact and by eating contaminated food. Illnesses that the Staphylococcus can cause ranges from pneumonia, skin infections and even food poisoning.

As we said, there is no sure way to avoid these kinds of bacteria. They will always be present in the environment no matter where you go. What you can do to avoid catching the diseases they cause is to develop proper hygiene in the office. Frequently washing your hands, wiping off objects on your workstation and getting a professional commercial cleaning service can help you ward off all kinds of illnesses.