Those who are dealing with excess weight are longing for answers. One possibility of gaining steam is HGH replacement therapy. While it is a trendy subject, hormone replacement is a serious medical issue that deserves real education.


What Is Human Growth Hormone?
The human growth hormone is typically something that is naturally produced by the body. The pituitary gland produces it and this hormone (HGH)is responsible for a lot of important aspects in the body including bone and muscle growth, metabolism, how sugars are regulated, and even contributes to heart functions.
HGH is involved in so many aspects of the human body such as affecting height, weight, reproduction, muscle tone and can help ward off things like chronic disease and the effects of aging. This is why it is seen as an alternative to resolve problems associated with these issues.

Beware of False Products
HGH replacement therapy can be beneficial in certain cases. However, the attention it has gotten from athletes led to both fake and dangerous products sold online as well as some doctors approving it when it really isn't the best option. Reputable clinics have high-quality doctors, require prescriptions and typically only administer hormone replacement for those with a deficiency.

How Testosterone Affects the Body
Testosterone is primarily a male hormone, although women also have it but in smaller amounts. In men, the testosterone hormone is responsible for things like muscle development, fertility with increased sperm production, increased sex drive, beard and body hair, and skin health.

Too much testosterone in women can cause adverse problems like excess hair or reproduction problems. Because of the adverse effects of low testosterone in men and the ill effects of too much in women, finding a solution to balance out this hormone become important.

Aging Affects Hormones
Hormone changes as we age have significant impacts on both muscle tone and weight. It is proven that hormone levels, including both HGH and testosterone peak in youth and decline as we get older. Obese adults are more severely affected by aging as they have even lower levels of hormones like HGH and testosterone.

How Hormones Affect Weight
To understand how HGH affects weight, you must know how it works in your body. As HGH heads into your bloodstream, it attaches to certain cell receptors. It also attaches to fat cells and that forces them to release part of their load. It also stimulates organs like the liver, which in turn, produces another growth hormone that helps with bones and muscles. The fact that HGH and testosterone improve muscle tone leads some to believe it can also help with weight. There are some studies that show some improvement, but none prove that substantial weight loss is achievable with HGH or testosterone. While research shows a link between HGH and burning fat, it is testosterone that is primarily responsible for muscle growth. In one Australian study involving 96 cyclists, those who took HGH with testosterone had an 8 percent capacity improvement, which was the best result.

Hormone Replacement
Hormone raplcement can lead to a reduction of a few pounds, but there are no current studies that show any significant impact on weight. Those who benefit the most are adults suffering from a pituitary disease that results in an HGH deficiency. When these people are given HGH replacement, their muscle mass is increased and fat storage is decreased. However, hormone replacement doesn't lead to weight loss in obese people, according to Dr. Nicholas Tritos. Tritos co-authored a study addressing using HGH to assist with weight loss in the obese.

Who Can Be Prescribed with HGH
There people who need hormone replacement because something is causing a severe and unnatural drop in these two hormones. These include people with cancer or some other chronic disease or who have been diagnosed with either a growth hormone or testosterone deficiency. This clinic only works with diagnosed adults who are not bodybuilders. To start in an HGH therapy clinic, you will need to consult with your doctor and get a prescription. You will also need to get a blood test to determine your level of deficiency. We can provide you with more information to educate yourself about this valuable treatment option. Contact us to learn more at