
The most annoying thing when driving is having to stop very frequently at a traffic light. Imagine if the drive was only 300 meters and BAM! another traffic light. That's crazy annoying, so Audi has created a new dash-in system to tell you how fast or slow you need to drive in order to hit as many green lights as possible.

Sounds like the best sort of dash technology! The tech was demoed at this week's CES. Dubbed the Smart City Traffic Light Assistance system, it relies on local data sources about traffic light patterns and timing, which gets beamed to your vehicle over Wi-Fi.

This data is then analyzed by the system to provide you a countdown timer of when the next traffic light will change to green, and lets you adjust your speed accordingly so you hopefully don't have to come to a full stop for the next light.

For now, the system is being tested in Europe, and it'll also automatically stop and start your vehicle when waiting at a light to conserve fuel or battery life.[Audi]