
Everyone knows South Korea's Internet connection is of epic speed. Their new broadband network will be so fast, you can download a movie in 5 seconds! But all that internet goodness isn't all that great.

The Economist just published some less than flattering details of South Korea's recent internet policy. Korean censors deleted about 23,000 web pages last year and blocked an additional 63,000. You also can't access any North Korean websites in South Korea. There's more:
A law dating back to the Korean war forbids South Korean maps from being taken out of the country. Because North and South are technically still at war, the law has been expanded to include electronic mapping data—which means that Google, for instance, cannot process South Korean mapping data on its servers and therefore cannot offer driving directions inside the country. In 2010 the UN determined that the KCSC "essentially operates as a censorship body.
At least, webpages load super fast. That's got to count for something. [Economist]