
Sony's first activity tracker, dubbed The Core first debuted at CES. We got a tiny look at it back then, and it can be worn on your wrist in its SmartBand. Now it's going to be available soon enough.

The SmartBand is not being billed as a "health tracker," "fitness tracker," or "activity tracker," instead they're selling it as a life tracker.

When paired with the SmartBand, LifeLog - a new app for its SmartWear Experience on Android, it will let you capture "places visited, music listened to, games played, books read... how active you were, where you went, what pictures you took and how you have been communicating with your world."

It will also, "help you set activity goals, monitor your progress and make recommendations to help inform future decisions." - Whatever this means.

For now, there isn't a ton of information on it or how it works but it does sound like the app is going to do a lot of the heavy lifting.

The SmartBand will only be available in black at launch, but Sony promises a variety of "vibrant" colors will be available shortly thereafter.

The SmartBand SWR10 and the Lifelog app will both be available sometime in March 2014, worldwide.