
According to myth, Satoshi Nakamoto was the one who invented Bitcoin. But he disappeared for six years, and there are theories of who he really is but no one could track him down. Until Newsweek did just now.

It turns out, according to the Newsweek report, that Satoshi Nakamoto is not an alias for Sinichi Mochizuki, or Wei Dai, or a shadowy European computer collective. Satoshi Nakamoto is Satoshi Nakamoto. He lives in California.

There's also not much to say about Nakamoto other than he'd like to be left alone. Does he have millions of Bitcoins? We don't know either. But here's what we know:  Nakamoto is a 64-year old former defense contractor with six kids. He'd also like to be left alone, thank you very much.


The bigger story, though is the backlash brewing on Reddit Commenters are aghast that Newsweek thought it would be newsworthy to  report on a person's identity.

Update: The man known as Satoshi Nakamoto, is actually Dorian Prentice Satoshi Nakamoto, and he tells the Associated Press he has nothing to do with the cryptocurrency. He claims he's never even heard of Bitcoin until Newsweek contacted him.

Satoshi Nakamoto's account on P2P Foundation forums, posted for the first time in 4 years, simply stating: "I am not Dorian Nakamoto." The person behind the account gave no further clues to what his real identity is.

The man (or a group) who did create Bitcoin, a cryptocurrency that lets anyone easily transfer funds to another person, probably has hundreds of millions of dollars worth of bitcoins. And his identity is likely to stay a mystery.