
Having Steve Wozniak deliver a Mac to a girl who idolizes him is almost surreal. Emma, the girl, who's father says in the video, "This is like having your lightbulbs delivered by Thomas Edison". Incredible!

The father tells the story:
A few years ago, Steve and Janet Wozniak came to town to help us have a little fun with our kid Emma. Emma's dad met them around the back of the block to give them Emma's new iMac, and then they drove back around and rang the doorbell to deliver it... and shocked the heck out of Emma and her sister and friends. Little sister Elizabeth got the iPod Touch as a "one more thing," and Janet shot the video.

Steve's known to be quite the practical joker, and it was very kind of him and Janet to spend the time to do this...and make a great memory for all of us.
Who wouldn't be stunned?