
An internal email unearthed by CNET sent by a Samsung executive, five days after Steve Jobs' death reveals just how brutal business is and how companies will go the lengths to squash the competition. The subject was how to leverage the death of Steve Jobs to Samsung's benefit.

The email sees Michael Pennington, head of national sales for Samsung, encouraging his team to strike while the iron's hot.
Unfortunately, Steve Job's [sic] passing has led to a huge wave of press coverage of Apple's and iPhone's 'superiority,' all created by the 'passionate, tireless, perfectionist...' The point here is that there is an unintended benefit for Apple, since the external messages by 3rd parties are all highlighting and/or supporting the consumer perception that Apple products are superior, since Jobs' [sic] was such a visionary and perfectionist. What consumer wouldn't feel great about purchasing a device developed by such a person.

Sorry to continue to push this issue, but I have seen this far too long and I know this is our best opportunity to attack iPhone. If there is no consensus on the approach I initially proposed, I will stop pushing, but I would like to better understand our strategy so I can align with that.
This probably isn't very rare, but stuff like that should never see the light of day by common folk like us.