Business owners who want to provide their employees with the latest and greatest technology for their work may feel like they are in a catch-22 situation. While they are happy to spring for state-of-the-art equipment, these devices will probably be outdated in a matter of weeks.


To prevent feeling like they must continue to make new tech purchases that can bust even the most generous budget, owners may want to look into “future-proofing” their technology. With that in mind, consider the following suggestions:

Invest in “Forward-thinking” Technology

One way to future-proof a company’s technology is to purchase top quality and reliable equipment that is designed to grow with emerging technology. For example, when looking for the fastest mobile processors and cellular modems, business owners can’t go wrong with the Qualcomm Snapdragon series. Snapdragon is designed to support early 5G networks, and it will also work when 5G becomes available. The Snapdragon X50 5G modem will initially support operation in the 28 GHz millimeter wave band and connect using up to 800 MHz of bandwidth — and it is designed to support the next generation of mobile devices. The Snapdragon series can also create immersive VR and AR experiences — like in the Google Daydream headset — which provides users with outstanding connectivity, the best security solutions and the ability to quickly recharge the device’s battery.

Simplify Whenever Possible

Another great way to future-proof technology investments is to simplify and streamline the current system and equipment as much as possible. Instead of purchasing a huge number of devices all made by different companies, owners should focus on buying as much equipment as possible from the same company — and trying to find devices that can multitask. For example, equipping employees with state-of-the-art tablets, like the Google Pixel C, that can handle work emails, presentations and projects may eliminate the need for costly laptops. Then, when the day comes where an upgrade in technology is needed, business owners can work with one tech company to make these changes and they will not have to shell out tons of money for devices that were rarely used.

Feel Free to Ignore the Latest Advancements

Future-proofing requires business owners to think long term — and giving themselves permission to skip the latest and greatest forms of technology. Not all advancements in technology are created equally — some end up being a lot better than others. When some hot new product or system is announced, sit back and let other company owners give it a try, while your team continues to work with their trusty tech.

Allow Adaptations and Plug-ins of Specific Aspects of the Technology

Future-proofing used to mean keeping every piece of technology for as long as possible; nowadays, this term also includes the notion of changing out specific parts. For example, business owners can adopt an open system of technology that can use plug-ins and extensions as needed. Think of future-proofing as the way a homeowner might approach remodeling a kitchen — instead of keeping all of the cabinets, counters and appliances for years and changing all of them at once, consider switching out just the counters when they get old and outdated and leave the other components for later.

By accepting the fact that change is inevitable in the world of technology and giving these tips a try, business owners should be able to save themselves the costs and headaches associated with constantly trying to keep up with the latest and greatest equipment — and focus their energies on producing quality work.