
Online marketing is a great way to attract new leads to your business. There are important techniques and practices you can use to land new visitors on your page. This is what you want right? After all, the more visitors, the more likely you will make a sale!

There are several ways you can increase the traffic to your page, and visitor video recording is one of these ways. If you’re unfamiliar with this process, you’ve come to the right place. We will teach you everything you need to know about this service to take advantage of the benefits it offers. 

What Is Visitor Video Recordings?

Do you sometimes wonder what visitors are interested in or what they’re clicking on when they visit your page? This question can be answered by visitor recording. 

Visitor video recording is quite simple. Whenever a visitor lands on your page, you learn how they interact within your website. You are able to see what links they click on, their mouse movements, and just about everything they do on your e-commerce business. 

Benefits of this include service include:
Eliminates the guesswork of what you think visitors are clicking vs what they’re really interested in. 
You can identify where issues lie and how to fix them. 
Any real issues on your site are clearly addressed. 

With visitor video recordings you can track mouse movements, page scrolling, entered data, clicks from the mouse, places of high engagement, areas of confusion, and more. 

Finding a Provider 

There are many tools that allow businesses to record, replay, and save interactions that visitors have while navigating their site. There are definitely some pros and cons that come attached to these services like: 

Shows live visitor interactions
Discovers where visitors are getting lost 
Helps find bugs 
Tests and enhances newly added features
Watching every individual recording can be time-consuming 
Introduces a privacy risk for viewers 

Marketing by Edge Online is a service that specializes in these types of services. They are able to obtain real insight on your website and the areas it could improve in. This allows you to make intelligent changes that will drive more traffic and leads to your business. You’ll find that companies such as this offer several SEO services to optimize your site in the best way possible.

Other Ways to Attract Leads

As you can see, visitor video recording brings many benefits to you as a business owner. This tool can really help you enhance your site and attract more leads. There are some other ways we highly suggest you try to attract more traffic to your site. Understanding how to optimize your website is the first basic skill you need to have. 

If you’re not very tech savvy, there are providers who will take care of all this tedious work for you. They understand all the components and what it takes to successfully optimize a website. Hiring a service will save you time, money, and energy. 

Here are a few areas that providers focus on:
Email marketing 
Social media
Live Chat
Blog posts 
SEO rich content
Visitor video recording 

Of course, you want to have quality content on your webpage. However, there are specific keywords and phrases that make your site more approachable. Search engine optimization is what you need to focus on. What are users typing into search engines? What’s the best way for them to find your site? 

Once you optimize your site, you can begin focusing on other areas like measuring lead generator performance, developing clearer call-to-actions, or enabling an online chat service for your viewers. 

Having a solid online website is the best way to have a running business 24/7. You’ll be making money while you’re sleeping, and your sales will increase as opposed to only opening at your physical store location. If you haven’t considered an online website, now is the time to create one!